Sierra Nevada Airstreams - Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit, WBCCI

2014 Airstreamers Newsletter

The SNU newsletter is primarily a communications tool for SNU members. The online version also acts as a promotional tool. As such, we encourage potential members, friends, and others interested in the Airstream lifestyle and the Sierra Nevada Unit in particular, to subscribe to the newsletter announcement list.

* Subscribe to the SNU announcement list

Receive emails announcing the posting of the latest SNU newsletter and announcements of any changes or updates on SNU rallies or events. You may also receive emails regarding special events, activities, or news flashes.

Read about the SNU newsletter including the benefits of an on-line newsletter and why the SNU doesn't send it via an email attachment.

Also see: 2015 SNU Rally Schedule -|- Zephyrs Web Blog -|- SNU Facebook Page

Click on date for that month's newsletter

Topics in the newsletter

Links to information in newsletter articles

December 2014

Luncheon at El Charro -|- Review Bavarian World lunch -|- SNU Business -|- Change in 2015 Rally Schedule -|- Anniversaries in 2015 -|- The SNU website -|- Lassen RV Park Report
December El Charro Luncheon -|- Lassen RV Resort -|- SNU Op Notes

November 2014

Luncheon at Bavarian World -|- Review of Ft Churchill Rally & Region rally comments -|- SNU Business -|- Prez Meanderings -|- SNU Facebook page -|- Marlene & Baxter's Region Rally comments & trip report -|- CO and other detectors and alarms
Bavarian World lunch information -|- Ft Churchill Rally photo gallery -|- Region Rally photos -|- Detectors & Alarms links -|-

October 2014

October Rally at Ft Churchill -|- Review of Crocker Rally -|- Prez Meanderings -|- Don & Gail Home Again -|- SNU Updates (Elections, WBCCI directory, Mesquite Cancelled, Back to Basics) -|- Repair and Maintenance -|- Airstream Resources -|- Opportunities to assist with rallies
Ft Churchill rally information -|- Crocker rally photo gallery -|- 2015 Region Rally Info -|- Winterizing your Airstream

September 2014

Crocker Rally in September -|- Prez Meanderings -|-  Obsidian Rally Review -|- Welcome to the Trabitz's -|- Dues are due -|- From WBCCI -|- SNU 2015 Officers -|- Planned Informality
Crocker rally information -|- Obsidian Dome photo gallery -|- Rally Issues Overview -|- SNU Promotion -|- SNU status -|- SNU Op Notes -|-

August 2014

August rally at Obsidian Dome -|- Weed Heights rally review -|- Welcome New Members -|- Prez Meanderings -|- Time to Renew Membership -|- 2015 Rally Schedule -|- Update from Don & Gail -|- SNU Officers and Elections -|- Summer Travels -|- Measuring Battery Status Obsidian Dome rally information -|- Weed Heights photo gallery -|- 2015 SNU Rally Schedule -|- Don' Airstream fixes -|- Duties of SNU officers -|-

July 2014

July Weed Heights rally -|- Sweetwater rally review -|- Welcome new members -|- 1st draft 2015 rally schedule -|- time to renew for 2015 -|- Prez Meanderings -|- 2014 Road to Gillette -|- 2015 Joint Rally with NorCal -|- Silver Trailer Event -|- Camera Basics Weed Heights rally information -|- Sweetwater photo gallery -|- 1st draft 2015 rally schedule -|- Renew your membership for 2015 -|- Don & Gail's 2014 summer travels -|- Don & Gail's photos from Gillette -|- Silver Trailer Event -|- Camera Basics

June 2014

Rally Sweetwater Summit  -|- Prez Meanderings  -|- Rocky Point Rally Review -|- Weed Heights Reminder  -|-  Sringtime In Kentucky 2014  -|- Region 12 Rally in Pahrump -|- November in Mesquite -|- Traveling Pets Sweetwater Rally information -|- Rocky Point photo gallery -|- CAP flyover Rocky Point -|- potential rally site photo galleries Prosser * Hereford Ranch * Likely RV Park -|- Traveling with pets -|- Thrift store flamingo find -|- Remembering Bruce and Kathy -|- SNU November rally at Mesquite

May 2014

Rocky Point May Rally -|- April Rally Review -|- Prez Meanderings -|- WBCCI International Rally -|- RSVP for Weed Heights -|- A Tale of Two Restorations -|- Washboard Roads

Rocky Point Rally Information -|- Boca Photo Gallery -|- Rabold's Restoration -|- Root's Restoration

April 2014

Boca Rest April Rally -|- Lahontan Rally Review -|- Prez Meanderings -|- Ideas Wanted for the 2015 Region Rally & the 2016 SNU Anniversary Rally -|- Rally Site Possibilities -| !965 & 2014 Alaska trips

Boca Rally -|- Lahontan Photo gallery -|- Ideas wanted -|- Anna Reservoir -|- Likely Place -|- 2014 Alyeska Caravan route -|- Harrison 1965 Alaska trip -|- 1965 Alaska map

March 2014

Black Bear February Lunch -|- March rally at Lahontan -|- Prez Meanderings about the Hobo Rally -|- SNU rally update -|- Welcome New Members

Lahontan Rally Information -|- Hobo Rally photo gallery -|- January & February lunches photo gallery -|-

February 2014

January Lunch at Hometown -|- Prez Meanderings -|- February lunch announcement -|- Cricket Invasion -|- News about the Newsletter -|- Restoration Project -|- RV Power Grid

February lunch in Fernley -|- IBT motions -|-SNU newsletter content -|- 1951 Cruisette Restoration -|- RV Power Grid -|- 2008 Obsidian Videos -|- 2012 Rocky Point videos

January 2014

December at Jakes -|- January 2014 Lunch -|- Prez Meanderings -|- Death Valley November 2013 -|- Achievements & Highlights of SNU in 2013 -|- Welcome to the Lewis's -|- Rallies, Caravans, and more

January lunch at Hometown -|- photo gallery, November & December lunches -|- Death Valley photo gallery -|- SNU 2013 Highlights -|-

Note: Newsletters from the WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit are available in Adobe PDF format. The size is about 1000 to 1200 kb which may take a few minutes to load with a dial up situation. For help in viewing the PDF format, see the help for document formats at

SNU Newsletter Archives – links to issues from 1997 through 2013

Shop for SNU items

baseball caps, T-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, stationary, cups and mugs, baby items, pet items and much more – all with the SNU logo

Sierra Nevada Airstreams home page-|- Destinations -|- Memories -|- Owner's Guide-|- WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit home page-|- Community-|- Zephyrs weblog for the RV enthusiast-|- Commerce-|- Whispers weblog of touchy subjects-|- Our tip jar- support this website

TechComm Labs (tm)
supporting and using open software
Sierra Nevada Airstreams - photograph policy -
copyright 2005 Leipper Management Group. All rights reserved Please address comments or questions to Last updated 05/01/2014

note: all photographs on this site are for personal, private, and non-commercial use only. All other copyrights are retained by the individual photographers. See our policy. Disclaimer: any advice or suggestion presented is provided for informational purposes only and is correct and accurate only to the best of our knowledge at the time it was written. Anyone using such information does so at their own risk. Errors or omissions may exist and additional sources of information or appropriately licensed or qualified personnel should be consulted in deciding a course of action. We assume no liability or obligation by providing this information and warn any users of this information that they do so at their own risk. All links or references to commercial vendors or other sources of information and equipment do not intend or imply or convey any endorsement of that source or the product. They are provided strictly for informational purposes to illustrate the topic at hand. Sierra Nevada Airstreams Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States is a personal, nonprofit, noncommercial web site intended for educational and recreational use only. This site is supported by volunteer effort and contributions. Donations accepted thanks to the