Your Region 12 officers attended the annual mid-winter business meeting of WBCCI just a few days after running a successful Rose Parade Rally in Pasadena. My expenses were covered by WBCCI. Our members voted to cover Tom Smithson’s expenses from Region 12 funds. Jim Polk felt the meeting was important and served on the Nominating Committee, so he paid his own way to Louisiana.
Sixteen motions were presented that week and all of them were passed. Considering the glacial pace that things move in our club, this was an unprecedented outcome. Your officers were key figures in making legislative changes that will streamline the functions of the club. Many board member meetings and seminars were held to arrive at this conclusion.
Once you understand the complexity and rigidness of the Constitution that governs WBCCI, you must take steps to be patient and deliberate as you attempt to modernize it. Though these changes are minor, we are excited that the board as a whole is working in unison. We have spoken through our votes to the membership, our employees and to the Airstream Corporation.
Here is a brief description of each motion. Some of them require a vote of the delegates at the Gillette rally. Please make sure your unit has a representative to vote for you there.
International units will be represented by an existing Region of WBCCI.
International units will organize as a non-profit group.
We are combining the Public Relations and Rally Promotions Committees.
We ratified a name change from the “Down Under Unit” to “Airstream Club Australia”.
Members in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan will become part of Region 7.
Approved a new unit in Region 3. The Southeast Camping Club.
Approved a new flag for the Southeast Camping Club.
Changed the duties for the Historical Committee by a substitution of responsibilities.
We will now list the number of people attending functions as well as the number of Airstreams.
Expand the dates that the International Rally can be held. Between June 20 and July 30. Requires a delegate vote in Gillette.
Made a large change in the bylaws concerning the International Rally (Sections 7 & 8) by substituting an entire new policy (Authored by Tom Smithson).
Allow electronic renewal of unit and International dues. Requires a delegate vote in Gillette.
Requires a role call vote on each motion that is not unanimous. This only affects the International Board. This records the vote of each officer so the members know how their representatives voted.
Streamlined the method for replacing Region Vice Presidents in case of resignations.
Reinstated the “News and Views” electronic newsletter.
Removed the $45,000 line item for Headquarters Services from the International Rally Budget. Potential reduction in rally fee.