Sierra Nevada Airstreams - Owner's Guide

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.


One source of enjoyment for many RV enthusiasts is participation in RV Owner's Clubs or Birds of a Feather groups. Anyone pursuing the RV hobby should start with discussions, either by participating in the discussion or just by eavesdropping, to learn about how others solve problems and how they enjoy their hobby. The next step is getting on the road yourself, hopefully with a buddy or two on short trips to learn the ropes and gain confidence in how to be comfortable on the road. When you have a bit of comfort about your rig and your capabilities, a rally visit makes for a good way to get to meet folks and share experiences. Even more intense than a rally is the caravan, which is a sequence of rallies with travel in between them.

"Enter the caravan with a spirit of adventure because it really is.
Enjoy yourselves, the scenery, the people, and local events.
Keep well and cheerful, be cooperative and courteous.
Drive carefully, safely, and intelligently.
Assume your share of responsibilities.
Help your fellow caravanners.
Become a family.
Smile - and remember, we are making friends for life!"
(from WBCCI Caravans - Fun Fellowship, Adventure. Caravan Basics)

Buddy Camping at Salto Falls

Chat Rooms, Discussion Lists, and related communities

The internet provides access to all sorts of discussion groups where you can find others who share your interests and experiences. One very valuable feature of these groups is that you can often search through discussions held over the last year or more to find out about specific problems or issues and how people resolved them. Here are links to a few discussion groups that may be of special interest to RV enthusiasts.

Open Roads Forum forums
RV Advice Public Message Board
Airstream Bulletin Board
KII Ltd.'s VMag Forums Index to All the Hot Auto Topic Bulletin Boards
Ford.Vmag.Com Make and Model Community Forums for Ford and Sport Utility Vehicle Owners
Yahoo! Groups : AirstreamList
Airstream Trailer & Motorhome Forums!
The Original Airstream E-mail List
Yahoo! Autos : escapeeboondockers
Yahoo! Autos : Airstream190
Yahoo! Autos : airstreamdotcom2
Yahoo! Groups : Airstream-List

Buddy Travels

The simplest participating arrangement is where you and a buddy or two decide to get out together in your RV's. These don't take much planning and don't require any special accommodations or arrangements. Buddy Travels are just some friends whose plans happen to coincide and who decide to share a few experiences.


When it gets to where you have to start making special arrangements for you and your buddies or when you have an organized group to worry about, you get into the realm of rally planning.


Caravans are a set of rallies with scheduled travel in between them.

Index of Topics




Planning a caravan


Planning a rally


The leader will make or break the event. Are you the leader?


Volunteers, committees, and job positions needed to make your rally or caravan successful


How to get the word out and back and the means and techniques to do that


About identifying people and property


Bringing folks together through shared activities


How to make a useful set of rules for particpants


Make your agreements and contracts useful, profitable, and safe


How to make a useful application for your caravan

Site Survey

Collect the information you need for planning overnight stops

Park Site Planning

When you need to make your own plan for how to park a lot of rigs

Parking Examples

Photo album showing examples of rally parking

Toursite Survey

Collect the information you need for group attendance at tourist sites


Project planning for events in your caravan or rally


Creating a business plan for your caravan helps focus your efforts and helps to minimize surprises


The Wally Byam Caravan Club International rally and caravan considerations.


Flying flags is part of participating in RV activities. Sometimes there are established procedures, sometimes it is a matter of individual preference.


WBCCI Caravan site

Selected excerpts from the Wally Byam Songbook (PDF 1.24 MB)
Score for Rollin' Along (PDF 87 KB)
Caravans & Tours
Building an RV Park
The House
GRR Planning - Groups, Rallies & Reunions
RV-Info - Your RV news and information portal - RV caravans
Nutmeg Miata Caravan Planning
Yahoo! Autos : hensleyarrowrvhitchclub
Vintage Airstream Home
Burning Man :: preparation :: Black Rock Country Burn - $5 million budget, 30,000 participants, absolutely no facilities out in the middle of nowhere leaving no trace behind. Very good example of a user guide for a rally covering just about every aspect of participation you can think of.
Enjoy the lifestyle -
Building an RV Park -
Tips for planning -


Wally Byam Caravan Club Int.
The Airstream Web Ring
Vintage Airstream Club Home Page
Tin Can Tourists Homepage
Trailer Life Magazine
Airstream Innovations at Inland RV Center, Inc. (909)734-8130
Airstream History, Silver Palace On Wheels
A Huge Index and Directory of Links (RvDex) to the RV World
RVClub -- RV site for RVers looking for RVing Information
Welcome to
Sierra Nevada Airstreams
2003 VAC Rally
airstreams for sale
Airstream History, Silver Palace On Wheels
Coffee Wars IV Home Site
InterVec - Phoenix Travel Club for owners of campervans and Class C recreational vehicles. The official club for owners of Phoenix, Falcon, and Horizon RVs
Region 9 - Highland Lakes Unit
Airstream Life Temp
Top of Georgia Airstream Park
WebRing: hub
The Oregon Unit of the WBCCI

Sierra Nevada Airstreams home page -|- Destinations -|- Memories -|- Owner's Guide -|- WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit home page -|- Community -|- Zephyrs weblog for the RV enthusiast -|- Commerce -|- Whispers weblog of touchy subjects -|- Our tip jar- support this website

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note: all photographs on this site are for personal, private, and non-commercial use only. All other copyrights are retained by the individual photographers. See our policy. Disclaimer: any advice or suggestion presented is provided for informational purposes only and is correct and accurate only to the best of our knowledge at the time it was written. Anyone using such information does so at their own risk. Errors or omissions may exist and additional sources of information or appropriately licensed or qualified personnel should be consulted in deciding a course of action. We assume no liability or obligation by providing this information and warn any users of this information that they do so at their own risk. All links or references to commercial vendors or other sources of information and equipment do not intend or imply or convey any endorsement of that source or the product. They are provided strictly for informational purposes to illustrate the topic at hand. Sierra Nevada Airstreams Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States is a personal, nonprofit, noncommercial web site intended for educational and recreational use only. This site is supported by volunteer effort and contributions. Donations accepted thanks to the