Nothing gets done unless someone is leading the way!
The leader can make or break the whole deal. The leader sets the tone, makes sure things gets done, determines how things are to be done and what is to happen and in what whey when things don't get done. Milan Wright suggests a Self Assessment for the Leadership Task. Some personal qualities are helpful for the unit caravan leader. The leader should
Be experienced and willing to share travel experiences with others.
Have an ability to enjoy people and all their complexities and to work with them.
Want to lead and not be intimidated by being asked to lead.
Have communications skills in correspondence, telephone, reports, and meetings - and willing and able to use them.
Have leadership training or be willing to learn.
Have ability to be organized with attention to detail.
Be able to cope with chaos.
Be flexible in dealing with both major and minor problems and crises.
Have the capacity to be firm when necessary (be able to exclude or discipline someone if required).
Accept that no two leaders are the same and no two caravans or events the same and that this diversity can be an attribute and not a problem.
The Sierra Nevada Airstreams Rallies Participating Guide - What you need to know about creating a successful camp-out of RV enthusiasts.
The Leadership Guide -
Taking the guesswork out of RV travel, caravans are package tours where recreational vehicle owners drive in groups (usually no larger than 25 units). The campground sites are reserved, activities are planned, and participants tour a region with enough freedom to allow for their own interests, but enough organization to keep them fairly busy. []
Nutmeg Miata -
Two lane roads - good links and an interesting philosophy -
Commercial providers - - also - -
WBCCI Caravans and Rallies -
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