Sierra Nevada Airstreams

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Memories - Airstream adventures and other special events

Harrison family traveling in California in the 1920's. There are 6 people in this car including two children under age 6, all their camping gear, and two canaries

From Rich & Judy Jaggard's photo files

“To strive endlessly to stir the venturesome spirit that moves you to follow a rainbow to its end. . .and thus make your travel dreams come true.” - Wally Byam from the Wally Byam Creed


WBCCI members and others share their trip logs and photo albums of rallies, caravans, tours, and adventures.


"To come together for common action or effort." (Webster's)


"A group of travelers journeying together." (Webster's)

WBCCI and Airstream History

Documents, photo, and other memorabilia from the Harrison and Leipper family as well as PeeWee Schwamborn, Mike, Orchard and other contributors

Units - Monterey Bay CA Unit, WBCCI

MBCU history including caravans, rallies, newsletters and other documents. Booklets created by MBCU members with original drawings by Lloyd Brown

Units - Sierra Nevada Unit, WBCCI

An experiment in a new concept of a unit based on Wally Byam’s Creed and Four Freedoms.

Show and Tell

A photo gallery tour of some special Airstreams

Restoration and Repair Diaries

Over 60% of all Airsteams ever built are still on the road today. Vintage Airstreams (those 25 yrs of age and older) are among the most popular Airstreams on the road. Restoration and repairs are a common topic of discussion at any gathering of Airstream owners.

On the road

Photo galleries of traveling to rally sites and other locations

Sierra Nevada Airstreams home page -|- Destinations -|- Memories -|- Owner's Guide -|- WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit home page -|- Community -|- Zephyrs weblog for the RV enthusiast -|- Commerce -|- Whispers weblog of touchy subjects -|- Our tip jar- support this website

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copyright 2018 Leipper Management Group. All rights reserved Please address comments or questions to Last updated 08/08/2018
Sierra Nevada Airstreams - photograph policy -supporting and using open software

note: all photographs on this site are for personal, private, and non-commercial use only. All other copyrights are retained by the individual photographers. See our policy. Disclaimer: any advice or suggestion presented is provided for informational purposes only and is correct and accurate only to the best of our knowledge at the time it was written. Anyone using such information does so at their own risk. Errors or omissions may exist and additional sources of information or appropriately licensed or qualified personnel should be consulted in deciding a course of action. We assume no liability or obligation by providing this information and warn any users of this information that they do so at their own risk. All links or references to commercial vendors or other sources of information and equipment do not intend or imply or convey any endorsement of that source or the product. They are provided strictly for informational purposes to illustrate the topic at hand. Sierra Nevada Airstreams Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States is a personal, nonprofit, noncommercial web site intended for educational and recreational use only. This site is supported by volunteer effort and contributions. Donations accepted thanks to the