Wally Byam Caravan Club International is an association of Airstream
brand recreational vehicle owners. The parent association exists at
international, regional, and local unit levels. The monthly journal
is called the Blue Beret after identifying headgear adopted by
the founder, Wally Byam.
Unit caravans are generally less than a week in duration and take unit members on short jaunts. Region caravans must be advertised in the Blue Beret and be open to all WBCCI members. National or international caravans are generally comprehensive, full featured, post-rally caravans advertised in the Blue Beret and open to all WBCCI members. Caravans may also be sponsored by intra-clubs and the Airstream Company my also sponsor caravans for all owners of its products.
Caravans of ten or more nights at five or more locations with ten or more Airstreams that use the kitty fee method qualify for a U number and listing in the membership directory.
The unit or region should approve caravan plans as a part of its normal course of business and participate in supervision of the plan development. This process of approval is necessary to place the caravan within the scope of WBCCI liability insurance policies.
Sierra Nevada Unit: Destinations - Education - Memories - Owners - Family - Community - Commerce - Quicksand -
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