This is a summary of key points regarding WBCCI’s issues with the SNU bylaws going back to 2007 when they were first submitted for review by WBCCI
The SNU, in accordance with WBCCI bylaws has never received official acknowledgement regarding the SNU bylaws, either affirmation of their acceptance or request for changes before acceptance. WBCCI bylaws indicate that any issues brought to light by the CBL should be resolved before they are brought up at the bi-annual IBT meetings. This has not been done with the SNU bylaws.
Allegations made to the SNU include concerns about compliance with the IRS, compliance with WBCCI policy, the need to make them easy to review by the CBL, and concern for “the rights of members” Despite numerous requests from the SNU, the WBCCI CBL has never provided any supporting documentation for these allegations.
Supposed violations of IRS policy is one of the primary concerns of the CBL regarding the SNU bylaws. Frequent reference has been made to an apparent audit of WBCCI by the IRS which included implications related to Units. Although the SNU has made several requests, nobody related to the CBL or staff at WBCCI can produce any documentation related to this audit or seems to have any clear information on how and what impact this document has in regards to Unit functions and bylaws.
The SNU has dealt with at least four IBT CBL chairs, one IBT committee member, and at least two regional officers over the past ten years. Each one has presented their own suggestions on what they feel are problems or concerns regarding the SNU bylaws. None of the supporting comments they have offered are related to the “fixed requirements” in the WBCCI bylaws. Many of their suggestions are outside the duties of the CBL as defined in the WBCCI bylaws.
Although, no defined reason has been provided, concern has been expressed about the fact that the SNU has combined its Constitution and Bylaws. The reasons for this and the definitions and purpose of each of these documents was clearly outline in 2007. It has been part of the SNU bylaws review documents posted on the website since 2007.
Allegations are continually made that the SNU has not submitted its bylaws as required and requested. There are numerous email and other communications from the WBCCI CBL that clearly indicate the bylaws have been received and reviewed and that even the documentation supporting the SNU bylaws has been reviewed by at least three people involved with the WBCCI CBL.
May 2016 a motion was filed by a Region officer to suspend the WBCCI charter of the SNU. See page 12 and 13 of the IBT motions document “The motion made by Mr. Smithson (to suspend the SNU charter) was out of order because it did not follow the process defined in our (the WBCCI) Constitution. The motion has been withdrawn.”
The SNU has always responded to requests, concerns, and suggestions in a clear, polite and professional manner. The SNU has done its best to be cooperative and to work with WBCCI leadership to enhance understanding and resolve concerns regarding the bylaws. In contradiction to all WBCCI policies, including the Code of Ethics, the WBCCI bylaws, and the Wally Byam Creed, the leadership has taken an adversarial role in its relationship with the SNU. Instead of working with the SNU and assisting in developing an understanding, the assumption has always been that the SNU is at fault, that the problems are with the SNU and it must change. This is despite clear documentation that the SNU could be an example, as described in a Region 12 newsletter, a WBCCI long range planning report and other writings, that could assist other Units and even WBCCI itself. This documentation includes the WBCCI bylaws, IRS documentation and even Ohio legal statutes.
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