(not all emails are included here)
Brian and Diane,
I have been appointed as the WBCCI Constitution and Bylaws Chairman for 2016-2017. I know your Unit's CBLs are online but according to the International Club's Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2, each Unit shall send a copy of their CBLs to Headquarters every 5 years. Your Unit's Constitution and Bylaws have not been reviewed in several years. In order to facilitate this review, could you please email one copy to HQ. They will then distribute as needed.
Units are the life blood of our club and we must all work together to keep them healthy and organized.
Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Joe Perryman
When it comes to communications
regarding the SNU bylaws, they should be addressed to the designated
SNU CBL chair, Jerry Thornburg at the email address of
Jerry will speak for the SNU regarding the concerns you stated in your email to me.
Thanks. Diane Leipper #772
President of Sierra Nevada Unit,
I have been appointed CBL Chairman for the year 2016-2017 for WBCCI. I have been advised by Diane Liepper that you are the person who can help me.I know that your Bylaws are on the website but our Constitution states that each Unit will submit their Bylaws every 5 years for review. This is an agreement made with the IRS as part of our "Non Profit Status" ruling. Would you please email me one copy and I will then distribute as needed, personally review them immediately and notify both you and Headquarters of the outcome.
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Joe Perryman CBL Committee Chairman
I wanted to be able to answer your email, not with the frustration I had, but with a clear mind. Again I am attaching the requested documents, the same ones that were sent to Carol Ortiz in April of 2016 and to Tom Smithson in May 2015. As you can see, we again are being told we have not submitted them. If needed we can send you the link with their replies stating they received them and the compliments and suggestions given.
I will submit that we do not use a “boiler plate” format in our documents, but have written them in a manner that insures our documents are in compliance with the International regardless of changes or amendments voted on and approved by them, and the method as to which this unit conducts business. Point in case is any changes made at this International delegates meeting now require many unit charters to be rewritten to remain in compliance.
One other thing that continues to be cited is the requests of the IRS as to the International. Wouldn’t it be prudent to publish or disseminate this information to enable units an easier path to compliance.
One other point at this time is Tom Smithson sent in one of his replies that electronic submittal was a valid method. In this light, the submission of links to a document is considered valid and used by most businesses today. This allows for the reading of documents in their original format, saves transmittal time, and insures both parties are on the “same” page.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help.
Jerry Thornburg Sierra Nevada Unit CBL Chair
Thank you for submitting your Unit Bylaws. They are significantly different from others I have looked at so I will have to study them carefully to insure that they are consistent with International CBLs and do not abridge the rights guaranteed to members by them.
They are not required to follow the usual format so long as they contain all the elements and member privileges provided for in our Constitution.
I was perplexed by the letter I received from you today. Perplexed because I haven't got the slightest idea what you are talking about. I do not recall having made the comment you ascribed to me, nor is it something I would likely say. (Bryan’s letter to Joe Perryman)
Thank you for pointing out your source.
On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Bryan <hq@leipper.org> wrote:
Joe, (cc Richard)
It was relayed to me that
you had some questions and, possibly, misperceptions regarding my
letter of 26 August.
The comment about member rights was in a message from you forwarded to the business archive by Jerry, the chair of the SNU bylaws group, on August 10:
Thank you for submitting your Unit Bylaws. They are significantly different from others I have looked at so I will have to study them carefully to insure that they are consistent with International CBLs and do not abridge the rights guaranteed to members by them.
_"do not abridge the rights guaranteed to members"_
My letter was intended as witness and that purpose is not achieved by offering opinion, belief, or debate points. The events and concepts I described have supporting evidence of the sort that reasonable people can agree upon as being accurate and reliable.
For me, perplexity is greatly reduced if I put my efforts in trying to understand what is being said rather than what I want to hear.
My letter was sent to you as a courtesy and a
thank you for an idea that helped me synthesize fundamental
association governance concepts with post 60’s cultural shifts in
societal values and memes. I was deeply involved in both during my
career and this idea helps me see it better.
Bryan Leipper
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