Wallace (Wally) M. ByamFrom notes and other information provided by Dale (Pee Wee) Schwamborn “He could throw out challenges faster than they could be picked up. He kept all of those associated with him working beyond their known capacity and accomplishing what they knew full well to be impossible. He had an uncanny way of giving confidence; when he said you could do it you didn't question him. you did it. He was an embodiment of the pioneer spirit which gave America its tough fiber” - Part of the memorial written by Helen Byam Schwamborn National Director, Wally Byam Caravan Club Wally Byam was born in 1896 and Helen Byam Schwamborn, Wally's first cousin was born in 1904 in Baker OR. Their fathers were brothers. Bert and Ray Byam. As children and young adults Wally and Helen had little contact. Little did either know that Wally would become Mr. Airstream and Helen would become Mrs. Wally Byam Caravan Club. |
Wally Byam's favorite city was Paris. His business provided him the opportunity to leave for a week or two whenever to go to Paris. In 1956, on the Caravan to Europe, Wally had a Solex motor bike. He kept it on the back of his trailer. One early morning in Paris, 3:30 A.M. or there about, Wally knocked on my Mother's trailer and asked her to dress. She did. She road side saddle behind Wally. They went from the campsite to Montmartre. Wally had a favorite little restaurant that cooked the best onion soup in the city. My Mother and Wally enjoyed the soup. It was my understanding that the soup was as good as gets and better than any onion soup my Mother had later on.
I believe that Wally made this list (a PDF file) out for my Mother and me at the end of the African Caravan. When the two Caravans met, my Mother and I went on to Holland to ship home. One of our stops was a week in Paris. As I have mentioned this was one of Wally' "most" favorite cities. Onion soup, Blue Beret, cuisine and on. You will note Wally has the onion soup listed under the food section. The paper, the typing and the writing are Wally's.
Wally Byam through the ages – photo created by Pee Wee in celebration of Wally's 115th birthday July 2011 “A remembrance of the man, Wallace Merle Byam, that brought us all together.” click on image for larger view |
This is photo booth picture
of Wally with his paternal father Bert Byam. I will venture a
guess that Wally's Dad is in his late 50's to early 60's. If this
is even close to being correct, Wally is in his late 20's or very
early 30's. Click on image on left for larger view |
Insightful comments made by Wally at age 21
Click on image on left for larger view |
Photo gallery – Wally Byam -|- Airstream adventures -|- Wally and Stella Byam Read Neil Vanderbilt's 1952 Newsletter – it describes his latest trailer and the Presidential Convention in Chicago amongst other interesting tidbits. (pdf document)
Wally on right, Neil on left |
Click on image on left for larger view |
The Biswell Family - The Biswell's played a very important part of Wally's life |
Click on picture for larger image |
PDF File about
Claire Windsor - I just don't know the story behind this
picture. I guess Wally is between 25 and 29 when he posed for the
picture. That is 1921 to 1925. You can see by Claire's
filmography that she first appeared in the movies in 1920. Wally
is really dapper in this picture, yes sir'ee. I don't know who
the other gent is. I think in the string of pictures I have this
is a real lulu. And it meant a lot to Wally to keep all of the
years since it photographed and signed. |
The documents provided and the pictures in these photo galleries have been used with permission of Dale Schwamborn. They are intended for personal viewing and enjoyment only and are not to be used in part or in full on other websites, for commercial purpose, or for any other use. For information on this material you can contact Dale at peewee@sierranevadaairstreams.org
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