- Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States.

The Early Days of WBCCI


Dale (Pee Wee) Schwamborn

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1953 Palm Springs rally - The center of attention is the Vanderbilt Trailer, "The Commodore." This is not a great picture. It was poorly printed in the Trail-R-News issue December 1953.

1954 Look Magazine (PDF) – Mexico by Trailer

1955 Life Magazine (PDF) – A Town on Tour (also about a Mexican Caravan)

I have found a Trail-R-News dated July 1955. I have copied several items. There are two pages from Airstream advertisement. It touts that Art Costello and Andy Charles, like Wally, have travel experience with Airstreams. This is as stated, “it takes a traveler to build a travel trailer.”

Wally had a heart attack earlier that year on the largest Caravan of all times, the Winter Mexico Caravan of 500 trailers. Wally became Chairman of the Board, and Art and Andy became Presidents of each plant. This move was to take away the strain of every day tedium, and give Wally time to pursue

The next two pages discuss the Atomic test. Interesting stuff!

The last page tells of the upcoming 1955 Eastern Canadian Caravan.

Also note that the Managing Editor was Jack Kneass, a friend of Wally’s, Airstream and mine.

1955 – Pages from a Kaiser Aluminum magazine

1956 Letzeburger Revue – From the European Caravan The Caravan traveled through Luxembourg before I arrived. This is a great article. Now you can use Luxembourg/Nevadan dialect to read the article. - Dale

1957 Reynolds Review – Kentucky Derby Caravan

1963 Ford Times

1964 New Jersey Bell Magazine with article regarding the Princeton Rally

1966 – Pages from Venture Magazine

1971 Virginia Cardinal - The actual reference is on the fourth page of this pdf.

article part 1 (jpg) -|- article part 2 (jpg)

1998 Reminisce - My Mother never left Airstream, the WBCCI, the Caravans or the Caravanners. I have scanned a copy of a magazine name Reminisce, June 1998. Whenever she found anything dealing with the Airstream World, she put it aside and marked it.

You will notice on the page with the snipped about an Airstream you will see her mark at the top of the page. I really appreciate her dedication to Airstream, and especially her everlasting love of her baby, the WBCCI.

Pee Wee main page -|- family -|- Early WBCCI -|- Airstreams -|- Caravans

The documents provided and the pictures in these photo galleries have been used with permission of Dale Schwamborn. They are intended for personal viewing and enjoyment only and are not to be used in part or in full on other websites, for commercial purpose, or for any other use. For information on this material you can contact Dale at peewee(at)sierranevadaairstreams(dot)org

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