Sierra Nevada Unit, WBCCIcommunity involvement and promotional information |
Sierra Nevada Unit – community involvement |
State Park Planning |
In 2004, after a rally at Dayton State Park, Diane wrote a letter to the NV State Park Division about developing group RV areas. One result was a visit from NPS to the 2005 rally at Davis Creek regarding plans for Valley of Fire State Park. |
May 2006 Prior to the SNU rally at Unionville, Jerry took his tools and some supplies and went to work widening the entrance gate to the County Park. The made it much easier to turn the corner and get into the parking area. |
July 2007 The SNU worked with the Friends of Inyo to dismantle fire pits and do general clean up and restoration work near our rally site at Obsidian Dome |
May 2008 the SNU held their rally at the Lyon County Fly-In near Silver Springs NV. Our main job was cooking breakfast for the pilots. We also stuffed goodie bags and helped out with various other projects |
June 2009 the main activity of the SNU rally at Sweetwater Summit was Field Day. Field Day is an opportunity for all ham radio operators to test their emergency communications skills. |
The SNU participated in the first three open houses held by Northern Nevada's Airstream dealer |
SNU member Rich Jaggard's Bambi was used as a stage prop for the Troubadour's Reno concert. |
The SNU goes beyond leaving the campground cleaner than we found it. |
Sierra Nevada Unit - promotional materials & just for fun |
A flyer developed as a hand out for RV sales, service and repair shops, events, and other promotional opportunities |
Displays promoting the SNU at various events and activities |
Examples of the use of the SNU logo for promotional projects |
This was made by Vicki and Randy Grossmann to celebrate the SNU's 30th Anniversary in 2006. It is displayed at various events and gatherings. |
A somewhat tongue in cheek but fairly realistic description of SNU rally sites. |
SNU members seem to always be trying to see who can come up with the most unique or outrageous pink flamingo |
Decorative lights, bird houses, cookie cutters, t-shirts and other items with an Airstream theme |
Individual SNU member activities |
Several SNU members are licensed amateur radio operators |
Wheels has a beacon on his Airstream to help with Civil Air Patrol exercises over the weekend. The CAP assists with search and rescue and other air born activities. |
Anita has been a campground host at numerous Oregon parks as well as other parks |
Participating in the Washoe County mosquito abatement program |
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Sierra Nevada Airstreams - photograph policy - supporting and using open software |
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