Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Show & Tell

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

The Thor Years 2000 to present

Many changes have occurred since Thor bought Airstream. The Land Yacht motor home and the Argosy 5th wheel are introduced, the Vintage Airstream Club is created, the Bambi is re-introduced, and the Safari and International CCD lines of Airstream are introduced.

Click on the year/type to see complete photo gallery

2003 Classic 26ft Von Gallion (WBCCI #4509) This Airstream sadly, is no longer on the road. A tire blew on the way home from the 2007 WBCCI International Rally. It caused an accident and although Von received a little more than a scratch, the Airstream was totaled.

2003 motorhome 36ft Vaughn Peak (WBCCI # 3814) Vaughn's motorhome is the first class A in the SNU.

2005 Safari 25 ft Randy and Vicki Grossmann's (WBCCI #3352) The Grossmann's had owned a brand X trailer but were looking for something different. They saw a PSA about the SNU rally at Lahonton, came out to visit and get the inside scoop on Airstreams. Within a month they had purchased a new Airstream and joined the Unit.

2005 CCD 25 ft Frank and Carol Colligan (WBCCI # 3838) The Colligan's attended the 2009 SNU rally at Sweetwater Summit.

2005 Bambi 16 ft

2005 Classic 30 ft Jerry and Dyann Thornburg (WBCCI #2792) After deciding to get an electronic jack for their 1980's era Airstream, the Thornburg's went to extremes and got a whole new trailer!

2005 Safari with slide-out 28ft Roger and Jan Jeppson. (WBCCI #4193). This is the Airstream the local dealer brought to an SNU rally at Boca Springs. Almost a year later it showed up at a rally with Roger and Jan. it's new owners

2005 Safari 2 bedroom 31ft Rich and Eleanor Luhr

2005 CCD 25ft Don and Gail Williams. (WBCCI #14207) This is their second CCD. Don installed solar panels on this one since they like to do a lot of dry camping in out of the way spots.

2006 Classic 30ft Gary and Donetta Curtis (WBCCI #5997) The Curtis's bought this Airstream five days before an SNU rally. The rally provided a great opportunity to check out the systems, get familiar with the trailer and get an earful of ideas and suggestions from other SNU members.

2006 Safari 25 ft Gary and Anita Haskett (WBCCI #4190) went to a local RV show and came home with a new Airstream. It is unique in that the entry is at the rear of the trailer instead of the front.

2006 Safari FB 25ft – The first Airstream for John and Christine Noellert. Their previous RV was a tent trailer.

2006 Classic 25ft Tom and Donna Faker. (WBCCI # 4995) This is the Faker's second Airstream.

2006 Safari 75th Anniversary Special Edition – This is the second Airstream for Jack & Lyndi Schroeder (WBCCI # 2572)

2007 FB Classic 28ft Carol Baidinger (WBCCI #17241) – Carol bought this Airstream at the 2006 WBCCI International Rally in Salem Oregon. 2007 is the first year a Classic is offered with a rear door.

2007 Bambi 19ft Clint and Kathy Norrell. (WBCCI #17241) This is the Norrell's first Airstream. They chose the SNU rally at Washoe Lake in March 2007 for it's shakedown event.

2007 Safari 25ft This is David and Rachel Strode's (WBCCI #3795 ) first Airstream. The look forward to many enjoyable years and many great adventures in this Airstream.

2007 Bambi International 16ft – Baxter and Marlene Swaffer (WBCCI # 2017) bought this used. The previous owner was a photographer who had taken very good care of it and added some special features like a solar panel and satellite dish.

2007 Classic – 29ft (I am not sure of the actual year of this Airstream) Ken and Jill Shuck (WBCCI # 5254)

2008 International Signature Series 25ft Roman Kreminski and Melissa Wong. (WBCCI #4066) After experimenting with two vintage Airstreams, Roman and Melissa knew what they wanted. This is the result of their experiments.

2008 Safari FB Special Edition - 27ft Dan Randall's first Airstream

2008 Safari Special Edition 20ft – Scott and Cindy Roller's first Airstream

2008 Safari Sport 17ft This Airstream belongs to Gregg and Valri Ayer (WBCCI #4268 ) who are members of the NorCal Unit. They came to the SNU 2010 rally at Obsidian Dome

2008 Safari Sport – Larry from MFRV brought this to Twin Lakes to show to SNU members

2008 Safari FB Special Edition – 27ft Richard and Doris Wheeler's (WBCCI #3436) first Airstream

2008 Design Within Reach Bambi - 19ft. Larry from MFRV brought this to Ft Sage to show to SNU members

2009 Flying Cloud FB – 23ft Ed and Eileen Pauley (WBCCI #4162)

2010 Flying Cloud – 22 ft Jim and Barbara Muff (WBCCI #4687)

2010 Flying Cloud – 22 ft Gregg and Valri Ayer (WBCCI #4268 ) They sold their Safari Sport and got this Airstream which is a little wider and a little longer

2010 International – 23ft John and Elaine Field. Members of the Oregon Unit that we met at the Wally Byam Birthday rally in Baker City, OR in July 2011.

2012 International Signature Series – 27ft Don and Gail Williams (WBCCI #14207) traded in their 2006 CCD for this Airstream in April 2012

2013 Flying Cloud Bambi – 19ft Bruce and Kathy Rhymes – this is Bruce & Kathy's first Airstream

2014 International Signature Series Bambi – 19ft This is Baxter and Marlene's (WBCCI # 2017) second Airstream. Their first was a 16ft Bambi.

2014 International Onyx - 25ft This is the first Airstream for Stan and Geri (WBCCI #3226) It is one of the models with an automatic awning which was introduced in 2014 

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