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Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Susan (Maki) Schwamborn

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Dale began posting these memories of Susan on his Facebook page in December 2018

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P ost 1

For my birthday this year, I'm asking for donations to Alzheimer's Association. I've chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you'll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. I've included information about Alzheimer's Association below. To eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Seven years ago my dear wife Susan showed symptoms that she was beginning to lose her short-term memory and also diminished long-term memory. We started slowly with her going to Alzheimer's meetings once a week. Her progression was advancing and we left the meetings and entered day care services. Last June I found a beautiful facility Granite Gate in Prescott nestled in the beautiful red sandstone formations. She now has daily activities, three wonderful meals a day, a secure place where she won't have the opportunity to wander away. Their caregivers are loving and carrying. In any family that faces a spouse with Alzheimer’s there comes that day when the caregiving spouse must turn the guardianship over to someone else. Susan knows who I am, and is happy to see me when I visit. This joy is short-lived as her mind moves on from the time we spend. Until we faced this hideous debilitating disease we knew about it, understood it, but had no idea how many people suffer from Alzheimer’s. Many of my friends have faced this disease with someone in their family, or friends that suffer from it. There is no doubt that this disease will be cured, but not soon enough for my dear Susan. God Bless her, and those that assist the Alzheimer’s Association to continue their work in assisting other loving families face the slow loss of their loved ones. Their research and assisting families must go on. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease.

Post 2

Susan's progression began with repetitious comments. Six years ago we were driving from our home to Phoenix and every time she saw a saguaro cactus, she detailed me information that I had given her earlier. Then I began noticing that when she watched television and a movie from the beginning she hoped that she could watch from the start of the movie. Then around many friends in conversation she would repeat her conversation.

My request for a donation was more to let a wider group of friends know about my Susan's illness.
Since posting this I have found several friends that have gone through this passage with their mother's or friends.

It appears that Alzheimer's is wider spread that most people know and for whatever reason is growing.
Thank you for sharing my Susan's illness with you.

Post 3


I want to thank my many friends for their support on helping to find the end for Alzheimer's. Since Facebook asked me to open a fundraiser and I chose Alzheimer's as my designated fundraiser commitment. I have been doing emotional through back memories that I can have but my darling Susan no longer can recollect.

The first time we met was at a party in Uptown Manhattan. Pete Turner, the 1959 Airstream Wally Byam African Caravan photographer, invited me to a party. I saw a really cute, pretty blond standing with some young ladies. I asked her dance. I found that she was a nursing student from Brooklyn. By the way I was stationed at Ft. Dix, New Jersey.

The in 1966 I brought her to California after her graduation. At the time I had a ragtop Goat. We were several miles north of Las Vegas and Susan needed restroom facilities. The was sage brush and more sage brush. I offered to pull along side the road and for her to hide behind a bush and do her thing. Adamantly she said no. Be mindful there is not town, no houses, no service stations just desert foliage. We go on. Finally there is a house on the highway's eastside. Sue says stop. She crosses the highway, knocks on the door and the lady let's her in to do her thing.

On our honeymoon we are going up Hwy #1 going to San Francisco. We stopped at Hearst Castle and enjoyed their wonderful tour around Randolph's home. Then when we reached the forested are in the Big Sur we found a charming, rustic, and unusual place to stay. A very nice rustic cabin with one unacceptable feature for Susan after we entered. There was no lock on the door, just a screen latch. I don't think there was fear, but I do think that we were newlyweds and modesty was in full gear. The other side to this it was the Generation of the Flower Children in 1967 and this definitely was a "hippy group" owning the establishment.

What an occasion our first wedding anniversary. A favorite for wonderful occasions in 1968 was the Newporter's Inn. Elegant, five star eats and always a great oversized Maine Lobster. I didn't tell Sue where we were going, it had to be a surprise. Sue had a beautiful dress ensemble, I had my best suit and tie with highly polished shoes. It was a warm evening and we had the top down on the GTO. On the way to the Inn I spot a McDonalds. Remember we are dressed for a formal dinner. I pull in and park. Then I ask Sue Big Mack, fries and Coke. She was silent she couldn't image why we dressed up to go to a McDonalds on our 1st anniversary. Her first word was "why." I told just kidding around, we left and went to the Newporter Inn and had a wonderful lobster dinner.

We all have memories. Some have none at all. My dear wife Susan shared in these same events but Alzheimer's has taken them away from her. So I share these memories with myself and others.

If Susan understood what your support means in finding a solution to ending Alzheimer's she would share her love with you. I share her love and my love with you for your generosity in supporting this fundraiser to end Alzheimer's.

With love Dale and Susan Schwamborn

Post 4

1979 Beijing, China The Forbidden City. When the United States recognized China it was only a few months before tours from the United States began. Sue and I, my mother and a dear friend went on our tour in China. The China in 1979 was the old China, no glitz modern buildings, no five star hotels. Maybe a one star hotel was typical. There were no keys handed out to lock your room, but you did have older ladies at the end of the hall sitting on a chair watching the foot traffic on your floor. She memorized who belonged in each room. Your floor monitor was your room security. As it is today, as it has been for centuries, and as it was in 1979 The Forbidden City shows the power held by the ruling dynasties.

* Susan passed away January 16, 2019

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The documents provided and the pictures in these photo galleries have been used with permission of Dale Schwamborn. They are intended for personal viewing and enjoyment only and are not to be used in part or in full on other websites, for commercial purpose, or for any other use. For information on this material you can contact Dale at
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