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Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Pet Friendly RV’s

written for the November 2017 SNU Newsletter

There is plenty of information about traveling with pets but information on what types of RV’s are suitable for pets and what to consider when buying an RV when you travel with pets is a little harder to find. It does seem to be a growing topic on blogs, forums and other sources though. Traveling pets aren’t just limited to dogs and cats. People travel with the whole gamut of pets including birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises and even a goat! Whether your pet is large or small, there are issues to think about when looking for a pet friendly RV. Some considerations include:

*Pet friendly fabrics and decor
*Storing pet food and supplies
*Safety and security
*Temperature control

RVs often use light colored fabrics or those with patterns that tend to show any dirt or spot. The same is true with window coverings, cushions, other accessories and even the cabinetry and wall coverings. Floor coverings are another issue. Many RV’s today rather than full carpeting, use other products that makes keeping the floors clean much easier. Think about a pet bringing in mud, sand, moisture and even stickers and how easily the floors, cushions, and cabinets will be to clean and wipe down. Outdoor showers on some RV’s are great for cleaning paws before going inside. Throw rugs, indoor outdoor type carpeting and other options that can be taken out and washed are also an option. Keep in mind slippery surfaces and rugs that aren’t secure can be a safety issue both for a pet and for people.

Windows, doors, and screens - how will the window coverings and screens be protected and cleaned. Pets like to look out windows. Will the pet have places to look out windows other than the beds or couch? The windows may need an added shelf or some way for pet to be able to look out the window. Is their a protecting screen on the door for pet to look out? Installing Plexiglas on lower screen or covering whole screen with Plexiglas, is a way to protect screens while letting light in and giving your pet a view out the door. Plexiglas also makes it possible to leave exterior door open in cooler weather.

Although your pets would prefer to be with you rather than left alone, sometimes that’s not possible or preferred. Most pets do quite well left on their own for short periods, especially with a little training. Look at RV from the viewpoint of what can be chewed, clawed, messed, or scratched. What can you do to minimize any potentially destructive behavior. Favorite toys help. Some pet may feel more secure in closed carrier while everyone's gone.

Security and safety are critical when traveling with pets, both while in transit and in their “home away from home”. Just considering the RV, does it have good ventilation? Can air move easily through the RV while keeping doors and windows secure. It is not a good idea to rely on the air conditioning or heating in an RV to keep you pet comfortable, in particular if you plan on being gone for an extended period. Electricity can go out or other problems can occur. Have back-up systems when leaving pet for short stays, for instance a 12 volt fan. Cats in particular have been known to tear through window screens and get out. Dogs have been known to bolt out the door when panicked or unsure of a situation. Do both screen and main doors, latch securely? Pets can push through a door that is not securely shut or latched.

Carrying and storing products to keep floors and other surfaces as well as pets clean is another consideration. Having extra rags or large moist shower wipes for cleaning messes and wet pets are helpful. Where are you going to put food, water and other pet supplies? For smaller pets and shorter trips you can easily stuff food and supplies just about anywhere. For larger pets finding a convenient spot for food is more of an issue. There are things like kennel boxes, portable pens, and kitty litter that need to be stored somewhere. The weight of pet supplies, although probably minimal does add to the total overall weight of your rig.

The biggest issue is probably where to put your dog bed, kitty litter box, or bird cage. Pets would usually prefer a designated space. In many RV’s the only place for a larger dog, except on your bed or couch, is in the middle of the floor or under the table. A dog in the middle of the floor can make navigating in the rig without tripping on dog legs and feet a challenge. Figuring out where to put your feet when pets are under the table can be interesting. Sharing your bed and couch with a pet is common and usually everyone is happy sharing. Having a cat that snuggles down in the blankets next to you to keep warm, or a dog sprawled out in the middle of the bed can make turning over in bed a little difficult. Bird cages usually end up on the dining table. Commercial laundries do not like pet supplies. When traveling, think of bedding and furniture covers that can easily fit in the home washer. Use fleece sheets instead of pet beds. They take up less room and are easier to clean.

Where to put water and food bowls depends somewhat on the type and size of pet and what the feeding routine is. Common places are on the floor in the kitchen area or in the bathroom either on the floor or the counter. A tray of some sort can be used to put the food and water bowls in to minimize spillage on the floor. Kitty litter boxes often end up in the shower. You have to watch though that no kitty litter gets into the drain. A litter mat or small rug in front of litter box will trap litter and minimize it being tracked all over RV.

A lot of making sure you have a pet friendly RV is knowing the right questions to ask yourself as well as knowing what to look for and what to ask when shopping for an RV. Here are a couple of links that have some good tips and information about pet friendly RV’s.

Having plenty of room in your RV for you and your pets, no matter what kind, can definitely enhance the travel experience for everyone.

Thank you Anita #1183 for assistance with this article.

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