The following are concepts by which the Sierra Nevada Unit operates. They provide the basis for the decisions and actions of the SNU.
Having a great time with fellow Airstreamers is what rallies are all about. The best possible experience is enjoying a diverse group of people all with a common interest in Airstream adventures. To ensure a rally is a great experience for everyone it is important to consider common courtesy.
Do your part to ensure trash is properly disposed of and the campground is cleaner than when we arrived.
Dispose of gray water and black water as appropriate to the campsite.
Be mindful of loud noises such as music and generators in regards to the time of day.
Respect your fellow camper. It is up to each of us to behave responsibly and to respect the rights of others. Be tolerant of differences and to appreciate each individual for the unique contributions they bring to the group. It is also up to each of us to address any concerns or problems directly in a constructive and non confrontational manner and to understand the viewpoint of the other person and work together towards a satisfactory resolution.
Pets are welcome at SNU rallies and other appropriate events as long as they have trained their people in regards to being at group functions. Being part of a group may require a few changes in your normal routine. When bringing your pet to rally remember you and your pets behavior not only reflects on you it reflects on the whole group. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Follow the campsite rules in regards to leashes, where they do their business, cleaning up after them and making sure your pets bark, squawk, or meow is not disturbing to others in the campground.
Even in a group of pet owners and pet friendly people, it is important to pay attention to the needs of others. What your pet does at home or around your own family is not necessarily what other people want around them.
Always ask first before bringing a pet to group activities or meetings both inside and outdoors
Know your pet and respect its needs. Don't put your pet in a situation where there is a potential conflict between it and other people or their pets.
First and foremost, the SNU is a family organization. As members of the SNU and WBCCI we also need to be cognizant of the image we portray to the public. As with other WBCCI units, it is the position of the SNU that the consumption of alcoholic beverages be inconspicuous. If you choose to consume an alcoholic beverage in public at an SNU rally, it is preferred that it be in a glass or something other than an obvious alcohol container. The SNU recognizes that it's members are all responsible adults and that they want to assist the Unit to ensure that its activities and events will be enjoyable for everyone, kids, adults, and visitors alike. The responsible behavior of our members and our good neighbor guidelines ensure that the SNU will be welcome at public facilities, campgrounds, and other places where we may gather and that we will have a great time doing what Airstreamers do - get out and enjoy our Airstreams and the fellowship of other Airsteamers.
WBCCI Code of Ethics -|- Wally Byam Creed -|- Traveling with pets.
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