The following are concepts by which the Sierra Nevada Unit operates. They provide the basis for the decisions and actions of the SNU.
Community service and involvement has been a component of WBCCI since it's inception. A statement from the Wally Byam Creed says, “To play some part in promoting international goodwill and understanding among the peoples of the world through person-to-person contact.” In addition to promoting good will, WBCCI supports local programs both at the international and the local Unit level. A committee for the International rally is in charge of determining, organizing, and carrying out a local service project in conjunction with the rally. Many units adopt a specific non-profit or charity and provide support through various activities and contributions.
The SNU has historically incorporated Community Service as one of its goals. The Unit has made donations to several local charitable causes. Since 2003, The SNU has begun to expand its community involvement and recently, to formalize its interactions with the communities within its territory.
Early Community projects included:
Nevada State Parks – After a rally at Dayton State Park in 2004, the SNU wrote a letter to the Nevada Division of State Parks requesting the consideration of developing more group camping areas at state parks. The SNU now has an ongoing communication with the Division. In October 2005 a representative visited our rally to ask our input on the development of a Class A campground at a Southern Nevada State Park.
Involvement in community events – In 2004, the SNU became aware that the Trailer Park Troubadours were holding a concert in the Reno area and were looking for an Airstream to be parked on the stage during their performance. An SNU member with a 1967 Bambi, was able to accommodate this request. Prior to, during and after this performance, the SNU member was able to talk about the SNU and Airstreams i n general with people attending this concert.
Dealership open house - In 2005 the SNU became aware that a local RV dealership had become Nevada's only authorized Airstream dealership. This dealership had an open house and asked the SNU to participate. We set up a display table and had SNU members on site during the event. We are currently working on plans for the 2006 Open house.
Click here for inform and pictures of more recent SNU community involvement
When considering involvement in Community service projects and activities, we need to keep the following issues in mind.
Be clear on the purpose and function of the event or activity.
Ensure that all SNU members have had input and agreed on the SNU's involvement.
Review how the involvement is related to the overall mission and purpose of the SNU.
Ensure that SNU's identity is maintained and not confused with or subservient to any other organizations
Enure that the use of the SNU logo, name, and other identifiers are use in accordance to the same standards as the WBCCI logo, name and other identifiers as outlined in the WBCCI Blue Book.
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