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Lunches at El Charro Avita seem to bring good things to the SNU as well as provide an excellent meal. Last year it was Mike Gower who saw the notice in the local paper. He and wife Cindy have since become members of the SNU. This year it was several guests. Madelyn Cutler has been on the SNU mailing list for about a year. She saw the notice in the paper and decided to come check us out. I think we met with her approval as she plans to become a member. Madelyn is new to Airstreaming. As usual, SNU members were more than willing to help her out. Various members provided all sorts of suggestions and ideas. We told her our March rally would be the perfect place for a maiden voyage as there were full hookups and the parking area is flat. Right now her Airstream is in San Diego. The Stansbury's, who have relatives in the area offered to tow her Airstream from San Diego back to Nevada if she wanted. Other guests were Robert and Cecilia Stansbury and Fred and Maxine Neitz. The Stansbury's are with the Santa Clara Unit. Cecilia is the current president. She is also the parliamentarian for Region 12. Cecilia gave us an overview of the Santa Clara Unit and some of the special activities they have done. She invited SNU members to attend Santa Clara Unit rallies if they are in the area. Some of their rallies are fairly close by. The Stansbury's live part time in Carson City so this was a great opportunity for them to come and meet members of the SNU. In fact, it turns out they know quite a few SNU members already. Both the Wheelers and Vaughn Peak go to the same church. Robert and Cecilia had no idea they had Airstreams. The Stansbury's met Jerry and Dyann in Boseman last summer. They also know Vaughn Gallion from various regional rallies and other activities. They also decided to become affiliate members of the SNU. Maxine and Fred are representatives from the Lyon County Fly In. They handed out post cards advertising this years event. They talked with us about the activities planned for the event and described a little more what the SNU will be doing and can do as volunteers for the Fly-In. They mentioned that they had put a blurb about the SNU on their website with a link to the SNU website. The SNU has a link to the fly-in on the May rally page. More about this rally will be in future SNU newsletters. In addition to our guests SNU members at the lunch included Jerry & Dyann Thornburg, Gary & Anita Haskett, Wheels & Doris Wheeler, Randy & Vcki Grossmann, Mike & Cindy Gower. Vaughn Peak & granddaughter Leann, Roger & Jan Jeppson, Dave Gmur, Bryan Leipper, and Diane Leipper.
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