Using a heater to maintain a minimal temperature in the rig while stored for the winter can help keep systems from freezing. What I use is an inexpensive electric household space heater with a thermostatic plug intended for use to keep animal water feeders from freezing.
example, at Amazon $21, heater: HOME_CHOICE
Personal Ceramic Space Heater Quiet Electric Heater with
Adjustable Thermostat Small Portable Heater Fan for Office Desktop
Home Bedroom,750W/1500W
The fan is a good idea because is
helps circulate air around the plumbing. That reduces hot spots and
that is also a reason to use a space heater at half power setting
rather than a light bulb or heating pad.
To turn the
heater on and off, Farm Innovators TC-3
Cold Weather Thermo Cube Thermostatically Controlled Outlet - On
at 35-Degrees/Off at 45-Degrees at $13
thermostats on heaters are intended for human comfort temperatures
and don't often work reliably at very low settings just above
freezing. That is why I use the ThermoCube.
for the thermostat I have been using a "Sonoff
TH16 Wifi Temperature and Humidity Sensor Switch+Si7021 RF
Controller for DIY Smart Home,Wireless Remote Control Home Appliances
and Work with Amazon Alexa, 1 Set" So I can check temperature
and humidity on a smart phone app and set the on and off temperatures
where ever I want them - a toy, an experiment. This
needs wifi access.
A 12v electric heater takes ten times
the current of a household 120v heater and that means either very
wimpy heating or excessive battery current and connection heating
issues. not recommended.
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