Sierra Nevada Airstreams: Travelogues

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

A Century of Outings

1800's through 2006

the Harrison and Leipper families

Photo Albums

Camping, being in the out of doors has always been a major part of my family's activities. My grandparents spent a lot of time camping in California and Arizona when my mother, was growing up. Gramp was recovering from an illness that affected his lungs and the doctor recommended fresh dry air such as in Arizona. My mother was camping almost from the time she was born. The same goes for me and my siblings. We all grew up traveling and camping. Our trips were often centered around a business meeting that my Dad, Dale Leipper had to attend. We'd take off, usually after Dad got off work and hit the road with our little 13ft or 16ft trailer. While Dad was attending meetings Mom would take us to museums, zoos, parks, and other places of interest. My sister Janet's kids have continued the family camping tradition, enjoying many outings while they were growing up. Now it is up to them and their kids to enjoy the great out of doors.

It is interesting looking through these pictures and notice the various trailers that got passed around the family. A trailer belonging to Bryan and Jo might have gotten passed on to Ted and Dorothy or Dale and Virginia. Once or twice a trailer that belonged to Ted and Dorothy ended up with the Leippers. I distinctly remember on such transfer. It was when we were visiting Kingman on the way to California. I don't remember what precipitated the swap except the trailer we ended up with was a foot or two longer. Anyway the decision was made. We had to unload all our stuff out of the trailer we left Texas with. Then Dad and Uncle Ted, I believe had to tow that trailer up the Walapie Mountains about 30 miles from Kingman. I think Ted had loaned it to some friends. They emptied their stuff out. Dad and Ted drove back to Kingman. We loaded up the continued on our way.

Late 1800's through the 1930's

Roads were little more than trails and paved roads were few and far between

This group includes family outings primarily in California. The Harrison side of the family were the more avid campers and many of their outings were family affairs. This gallery includes visits to Yosemite by both the Harrison and Robert Leipper families

1940's through the 1950's

The highway system was becoming fairly well established and paved roads became the norm.

Dale and Virginia Leipper's family as well as Virginia's sister Dorothy and her family predominate this gallery. There are also outings of Virginia and Dorothy's parents, Bryan and Jo Harrison. Pictures range the entire continental U.S. as well as Canada and Mexico. By the mid 1950's Bryan Harrison had retired and he and Jo lived full time in their Airstream. They were actively involved in Airstream rallies and caravans.

1960's through the 1970's

The Interstate freeway system was well on it's way to covering the entire US in a network of interconnecting roads meant for travel.

Leipper family trips usually centered around a business meeting for Dale. By the 1970's the kids had grown and were pretty much out on their own. Jo and Bryan Harrison were still active in WBCCI and traveling until the early 1970's. Dale and Virginia join WBCCI in the early 1970's and even though Dale was still working, they began to be involved in Airstream rallies and caravans with the local WBCCI Unit.

1980's through 2006

The gas crisis of the 70's influenced RV camping with the emphasis on fuel efficiency and smog controls. Vehicle improvements made travel less of an adventure and opened up more places to more people.

The Leipper family continues camping, from individual adventures to joint trips with other family members. Bryan is the only sibling with a trailer until the mid 1990's when Anita got her first trailer. After Jo's death, Bryan often accompanies Virginia and Dale on Airstream outings and other trips. By 2006 Dale has passed away and Virginia no longer travels. All four Leipper siblings own Airstreams and continue camping, attending WBCCI and other rallies and enjoying outings of various sorts.

Sierra Nevada Airstreams: Memories - Family - Community - Owner's Guide - Education - Commerce SNU homepage - Quicksand

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