-|- Memories

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

The Early Days of WBCCI – Wally Byam Foundation

Dale (Pee Wee) Schwamborn

The Wally Byam Foundation was a wonderful tool for international goodwill. It was also a high visibility instrument promoting RV travel and Airstream. This is one achievement area that Airstream and the Club seems to have forgotten. It was a great program. Caravan America and Open House USA are icons for Airstream, and the Club. Caravanner's participated with the guests and may have gotten more from the various trips than the guests. During the Foundation's tenure from 1962 to 1976 the guiding group had the cohesiveness to make it happen. Their dedication was part of it. But they all knew Wally

The Wally Byam Foundation and their undertakings, Caravan America, and Open House USA, were highly structured. The arrival of the guests going on their tours, WBCCI members, automobiles, linens, dishes, training of how-to tow, use the trailers and so much more.

Programs and activities of the Wally Byam Foundation

Fellowship in Caravan

A brochure for the Wally Byam Foundation that focuses on the purposes of the Foundation.

What the Wally Byam Foundation is all about

Another brochure the describes the goals of the Foundation and Caravan America

See America First Caravan

A trip that included Lynda Bird Johnson. “Miss Johnson and her traveling companions spent five full weeks visiting and getting to know places of interest and beauty in Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, and Minnesota” - 1965 WBCCI Caravanner

Caravan America

Caravans organized to show foreign citizens America by traveling across the continent in Airstreams.

German invitation

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One the major projects in the 1960’s and 70’s is Caravan America. Many groups toured the United States. Airstreams, GMC tow vehicles, and assistance from the National Geographic Society. This invitation is given to Helen Byam Schwamborn by the German Embassy. A group of 20 German Parliament families toured the United States.

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This picture Helen Byam Schwamborn (WBCCI & Airstream) holding a child from the twenty German families traveling from coast to coast with twenty Airstreams furnished by Airstream and towed by Oldsmobile's furnished by GMC. The twenty German Families were selected from the German Parliament or Bundestag.

Open House USA

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This is the portfolio jacket used and handed out to the various tour members in the Open House, U.S.A program in 1976.

National Geographic Booklets

Arizona -|- Colorado -|- Montana

Click on state to see Booklet cover

One of the great marriages of the entire Open House program was Carol Bennett Patterson's affiliation with National Geographic. For the guests National Geo provided excerpts from their publications for states, monuments or whatever to inform everyone about their tour. I have included three front page copies of these reprints. Arizona, Colorado, and Montana.

silver honorary plate

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The silver plate is special. The British contingent in 1967 toured from Dulles airport to Santa Rosa. They flew home from San Francisco. The French group flew into San Francisco and then journey East.

The silver honorary plate has the various stops engraved on it. It addresses my Mother and their gratefulness to her help.

Pee Wee main page -|- family -|- Early WBCCI -|- Airstreams -|- Caravans

The documents provided and the pictures in these photo galleries have been used with permission of Dale Schwamborn. They are intended for personal viewing and enjoyment only and are not to be used in part or in full on other websites, for commercial purpose, or for any other use. For information on this material you can contact Dale at

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