Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Destinations

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sand Dunes

On our November 2010 trip, we passed several major sand dune areas on this trip including Mesquite Flat Dunes in Death Valley, Dumont Dunes, Kelso Dunes and Sand Mountain. Death Valley is home to several dune formations including Eureka Dunes which are the tallest sand dunes in California. Dumont Dunes is a haven for off road adventures. Kelso Dunes on the other hand, is open to hiking only. Kelso Dunes are part of a dune field that covers 45 square miles. Sand Mountain is also a very popular off road vehicle playground.

Kelso Dunes, Sand Mountain and Eureka Dunes at the north end of Death Valley all share a common phenomenon known as singing sand. When the sand slides down the dunes it creates a low frequency rumble than can be heard as well as felt.

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Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes Near Stove Pipe Wells in the central part of Death Valley

Dumont Dunes on Hwy 127 Near Baker, CA

Kelso Dunes on Hwy near the town of Kelso, CA in the Mojave National Preserve

Sand Mountain on Hwy 50 near Fallon, NV


Eureka Dunes -|- Mesquite Flat Dunes and other Death Valley Sand Dunes

Dumont Dunes

Kelso Dunes

Sand Mountain

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