Location: Pyramid Lake is about 30 North of Sparks NV on highway 445. To reach the campsite for the Sierra Nevada Unit rally turn right off off 445 at the boat ramp sign. Follow gravel road down to boat ramp area. Turn right (looks like parking area) drive through and around hill to the right. Can't miss us. Trailers should be visible from hwy 445.
From Reno/Sparks take the Pyramid Lake Highway route 445 North. From I80 east of Reno take route 447 towards Nixon and then route 446 to merge with route 445 going North. The preferred Camp spot is near the Pelican Point boat launch about 3 miles north of Sutcliffe. While route 445 is paved, the 'road' to the beach goes from gravel to trail in the sand. Look for Airstreams on the beach just south of the Pelican Point boat launch. If you are concerned about gravel roads and sand trails or want the amenities, there is a full service RV park in Sutcliffe just a few miles south on route 445. You could park there and join us by commuting.
Facilities and Fees: As of 2018 the camping fee is $15 per night per vehicle. Other fees, including fishing permits may apply. Pay at the station near the entrance to the reservation when coming up from Reno on route 445 or at the Sutcliffe Marina near the RV park on the north side of Sutcliffe. There are no facilities at Pelican Point.
SNU Rallies at Pelican Point, Pyramid Lake 2003 -|- 2004 -|- 2005 -|- 2008 -|- 2010 -|- 2012 |
Rally Reviews - read about the SNU rally at Pyramid Lake Pelican Point
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