The following are a few experts from SNU newsletters from 1997 to 2002. The names after the date indicate the newsletter editor or the author. These excerpts provide a quick look at things of interest to SNU members as published in the newsletters
Note: this document is a work in progress. More excerpts will be added over time
1997 March – Dale Grosch – In a few short days we will be entering the second quarter of the year/ For a lot of us living north of the 37th parallel, it is about time to bring our favorite toy (Airstream) out of mothballs and pack wheel bearings, etc to prepare for the summer trip to Huntsville (WBCCI International Rally) and points beyond.
1997 April, Marge Grosch - Had a discussion of the issue of allowing non Airstream products into our club per the International request.
1997 May, Marge Grosch – Our last luncheon/meeting was held at the Atlantis and was very well attended. My thanksto Steve for doing such a fine job in setting it up.
1997 July, Marge Grosch – The proposal of accepting RV’s other than Airstream models for WBCCI membership was emphatically rejected by all delegates. It is obvious that there is near unanimous opposition to this proposal through WBCCI Units. The IBT committee will study other possibilities for increasing membership.
1997 September, Marge Grosch – We sure must be having fun because the time is just screaming by. It’s hard to believe that we are into the Fall month of September. We had a good turnout of the group for brunch at Marie Calendar in Reno.
1997 October, Marge Grosch – Another occurrence that added to the enjoyment of the event (rally at Lahontan) was the maiden voyage of the Paul’s new/old Bambi trailer. Yes, this was their first outing for them in the bundle of joy since its purchase.
1997 December, Marge Grosch – Our Installation meeting was well attended. Gusts included David Hunter, Region 12 President and his First Lady, Billie. David Hunter installed the (incoming SNU) officers, It was especially nice to have our Region officers present at this time. For several of our members who haven’t been able to get to the Region or International get-to-gethers this gave them a chance to enjoy the pageantry to a small degree which prevails at a higher level.
1998 January, Marge Grosch – Our Christmas gathering at our home seemed to be enjoyed by all. With Betty’s help, we put together a very tasty dinner. This must be a true statement if the fact that there were very little leftovers has merit.
1998 February, Marge Grosch – In sitting here laboring over this report, trying to think of something of interest and looking out the window, I note that it is snowing. I guess our time for getting out with our rigs will have to wait for now.
1998 March, Marge Grosch – Dave Putman of the San Joaguin Unit would like to make a motion at Boise to amend the requirements as to what constitutes an official WBCCI Caravan. By doing so would make leading caravans a much simpler matter with less hassle for the caravan leader.
1998 April, Marge Grosch – Yours truly does not want to keep harming on the issue of RV management on the part of the Campground Owners Association and its desire to regulate us on the road and tell us where or where not we can park our units, but is is of such importance that I feel I should. What these people are trying to do is use the Feds to create a monopoly and eliminate competition, If this comes to pass it will put in jeopardy such functions as the Region and International rallies and put an end to us enjoying our public lands, private, State & Federal,
1998 August, Marge Grosch – From what I heard, the June brown bag luncheon at Washoe Lake was great even though it was cool and wet. In July we met for a picnic at Bowers Mansion. What a beautiful park.
1998 September, Marge Grosch – We had a real nice time at Leipper’s. We had a small broup because of illness and vacations. Those who came and tasted the delicious food the Leipper’s prepared.
1998 October, Marge Grosch – We held a short meeting at our Lahontan rally. Frank discussed some of next years meetings, sound exciting.
1998 November, Marge Grosch – The Region 12 Rally in Hanford was a fun rally with three from our Unit. Burnham’s, Leipper’s, & Grosch’s. The highlight was on Thursday when Burt Byam drove to Bakersfield and picked up Helen Byam Schwamborn and she joined us for lunch.
1998 December, Marge Grosch – The November luncheon at the Airport Plaza in Reno was a special one as it was the installation of our officers for 1999. I congratulate the new officers. Our Unit is 17 members and 2 associate members strong.
1999 January, Steve & Frank Burnham – Other news of members is that the Damoths (our newest members who have been on the East Coast this past year or so) have returned to the West. They will be wintering in the Arizona area but should be back with us in the spring.
1999 February, Steve & Frank Burnham - Steve and I went down to the Inn in Gardnerville and discussed using their RV Park so we could attend the Genoa Candy Dance Festivities. What we found is that most people who went to the Candy Dance last year immediately made reservations for 1999. Spaces are being held for us so I need your input at the February luncheon.
1999 March, Steve & Frank Burnham – We had our last meeting and lunch at Jerry’s in Fallon. The accommodations were great, the food was just what you ordered, and the service was excellent.
1999 April, Steve & Frank Burnham – The meal situation (for the rally at Washoe Lake State Park ) is that three breakfasts will be completely furnished, three dinners will have the entrée furnished. Lunches are unprogrammed. There is no parking fee and we will figure out what the rally fee will be after we hear from you all.
1999 August (early), Steve & Frank Burnham – The wandering members of the Unit are back from the Dayton International Rally. The heat and humidity were excessive….. It is good to be back in the desert climate again.
1999 August (later), Steve & Frank Burnham – The next planned activity will be a rally at Ft Churchill. We checked it out and found it has been upgraded since last we had a rally there. It is dry camping but there are several water spigots in the area, some new toilet facilities, and a dump station when you leave.
1999 September, Steve & Frank Burnham – The rally at Ft Churchill was a quiet, relaxed weekend. Five trailers came for the three day weekend. Everyone who came with a trailer helped with the food, The Leipper’s made coffee, March and Beverly cooked vegetables and made salads, Burnham’s did breakfasts and cooked the entrées, Virginia & Diane did the bacon & sausages March scrambled the eggs supplied by Diane’s chickens and most impressive was Virginia’s gorgeous birth day cake for the September birthday celebrations.
1999 November, Steve & Frank Burnham – President Frank Burnham introduced Fred & Ann Hersey to the Unit membership and welcomed them as new members.
1999 December, Steve & Frank Burnham – The next meeting will be the annual Christmas party at the Burnhams. Please bring a gift costing between $5.00 and $10.00 Men bring a gift marked “man” and ladies bring a gift marked “woman” to put under the Christmas Tree. Burnham’s will prepare the food and each person will be assessed their share of the cost.
2000 January, Steve & Frank Burnham – The first luncheon of the new year will be at the China Kitchen in Carson City. As we will present somewhat of a logistics problem for the restaurant at Saturday lunch time it would help everyone if you would make your selection now and call Steve to let her know which item (from the list in the newsletter) you want.
2000 March, Steve & Frank Burnham – We noticed in the morning’s paper that Harlan “Scoop” Johnson passed away. He was a charter member of the SNU. Scoop was a native Nevadan born in Dayton in 1909.
2000 April, Steve & Frank Burnham – The SNU president (Frank Burnham) has resigned due to health. Dale Grosch moved up to fill that void, Frank will still do the membership function and the newsletter. Also the board nominated Diane Leipper to chair the nominating committee.
2000 May, Steve & Frank Burnham – Our April lunch at Viva La Pasta in Fallon was to my mind, a huge success. We had sixteen members and two guests – Don and Carol Thrift of the Oregon Unit. The Damoth’s celebrated combined birthdays with a cake furnished by Viva La Pasta.
2000 June, Steve & Frank Burnham – The May rally at Washoe Lake was a huge success in spite of some not so great weather. There were six Unit trailers and one guest. It was still windy and cold Sunday morning for breakfast but there were no complaints.
2000 July, Steve & Frank Burnham – The July brown bag lunch will be at Mills Park in Carson City. Virginia Leipper will be taking the calls for this one so call here to say you are coming. Bring whatever you want to eat and some good conversation.
2000 August, Steve Burnham – We have a new member who lives in Reno. He turned in his membership application in Bismark at the International Rally. We hope to introduce him and welcome him to the club at the BBQ.
2000 October, Steve Burnham – The report of the Nominating Committee for Officers for the 2001 was presented by Diane Leipper, chairperson. The nominees will be considered for election at the October meeting.
2000 November, Steve Burnham – The October brown bag lunch at Bowers Mansion was very nice and the wind and cold held off for us
2001 January, Steve Burnham – About sixteen people came to the Christmas brunch and gift exchange and had a good time. Fred Hersey did the honors as Santa Claus. The Grosch’s came complet with trailer so that they could make a fast exit afterwards and could beat the threatening snow to Washington state.
2001 February, Steve Burnham – The next activity is a lunch at Sharkey’s in Gardnerville. There we be 3 luncheon choices, Steve will collect the money from y”all (cash please) and make the payment to the restaurant.
2001 March, Steve Burnham – President Dale Grosch will present the updated Unit Constitution and Bylaws for adoption at our next unit meeting. That meeting will be at the Liberty Bell restaurant and saloon on South Virginia Street. We presume that you all know about the Liberty Belle, which is run by the Fey Brothers and they are the grandsons of the inventor of the original slot machine.
2001 May, Steve Burnham – The May rally will be at Ft Churchill. The hosts are Don and MaryLou.. They will serve spaghetti dinner on Thursday. That week is National Park Cleanup Week soe we have ordered trash bags so we can do our part and help clean up the park.
2001 June, Steve Burnham – There will be 3 Unit trailers at the International at Sioux Falls, SD. The Grosch’s left on May 22. Von Gallion is traveling with other band members, and our new members, the Krumwiedes will join them at the rally.
2001 July, Don and MaryLou Damoth – The June meeting was held at Bowers Mansion on a pretty summer day. As usual the food was plentiful and delicious and the company was grand.
2001 August, Don and MaryLou Damoth – I would like to dedicate this newsletter to two of our charter members who have played a major role in the success of the Sierra Nevada Unit since it was started 25 years ago. Fran and Steve Burnham, Frank & Steve have served as unit president about 4 times each and Steve served as Secretary or Treasurer many times, The have written and published the Unit newsletter recently and many times in the past. Frank wrote the original Constitution for the Unit. Thanks from all of us for the wonderful times we have had together.
2002 September, Don and MaryLou Damoth - The August rally was in the shade of the stately pine trees of Davis Creek Park, looking across Washoe Valley. Friday happy hour many of the world’s problems and a few of our own were cussed & discussed. Saturday the pot-luck was lucky indeed as culinary delights filled the picnic table and then were decimated by the assembled appetites.
2002 October, Don and MaryLou Damoth – The September meeting was held at the home of Dale & Virginia Leipper on a beautiful summer day. The meeting was made more interesting by the roar of acrobats and air racers from the nearby Reno Air Races. Don & Mary Lou will be leaving in a couple of weeks to head south for the winter, so we will be doing the newsletter from “onthe road” until April ‘03.
2002 November, Don and MaryLou Damoth – The October meeting was held at the Pinon Plaza. A plaque was presented to Steve and Frank Burnham in appreciation for their many years of servie to the SNU and to WBCCI.
2002 December, Don and MaryLou Damoth – Promotional note added to the newsletters - Welcome to the Sierra Nevada Unit of WBCCI. We are a small, friendly group who enjoy sharing our enjoyment of Airstreams, and the Airstream lifestyle with others, You are invited to come to any of our meetings and if you like, to join our Unit. We predict that you will make many friends and relish the camaraderie of all our rallies, caravan, and group activities. Our members are always ready to share their advice on equipment problems and trailering knowledge. In addition to being a member of our local unit, you will be one of several thousand who make up the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (the Airstream RV Club) Fred Hersey, Unit President
2003 March, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper – In order to save postage costs we would like to email the newsletter to everyone who has an email address. We will send the newsletter out in pdf format which is read by Adobe Acrobat. The Acrobat reader is available free on the internet. Please send your email address to Don.
2003 April, Don and MaryLou Damoth – The March meeting was at the Pinon Plaza. Diane mentioned that the notices that the Hersey’s have been placing in local newspapers seem to be making and impact. Over the last month we have received two calls from people who saw the notices. Our next meeting will be at our April rally at Pyramid Lake. We already have 3 rigs signed up. We look forward to seeing you there also.
2003 May, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper - The April meeting was held at the Pyramid Lake rally. It was a rather cold and blustery day but we put on winter clothes and braved the wether to have a pleasant gathering on the beach.
2003 June, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper - The second SNU rally of the year is planned for the end of June at Boca Rest. We anticipate the weather will be a little less challenging that at our Pyramid Lake rally. Although the campground is set up for individual sites it is an open area and we should be able to fit everyone in the same area. This is weekend for the ARRL Field Day so if you are an amateur radio operator, bring your gear.
2003 July, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper - The rally at Boca Reservoir was a success. We had a nice pot luch lunch and informal business meeting on Saturday. Bryan & Diane’s friends Dave and Gene represented the Amateur Radio contingent. They set up antenna’s on the lake side of the campsite.
2003 August, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper - Our next rally will be at Crags Campground near Bridgeport. Tip of the Month - The physics of RV motion. Most RV;s are big heaby things that are hard to get moving, hard to stop, and hard to see around. What does that mean to the driver?
2003 September, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper – The rally at Twin Lakes was a big success! We were delighted to be joined by the O’Dell family who were on their first trailer outing in their “new” 1967 Safari. The Damoth’s hosted a spaghetti dinner on Friday and we had pot luck on Saturday.
2003 October, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper – Sunshine, great food, great company, and loud planes. What more could you ask for at a September picnic. SNU members gathered in the yard of the Leipper’s on the first day of the Reno Air Races. The October rally will be at Davis Creek Park in the group area.
2003 November, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper – A perfect weekend in the pines! The SNU rally at Davis Creek Park couldn’t have been better. In between our efforts to consume great pot luck meals and enjoy the ambiance, we got quite a lot of business accomplished. We also reviewed our efforts and activities for 2003. Overall we are pleased with our progress and are looking forward to an even better year in 2004.
2003 December, Don and MaryLou Damoth, Diane Leipper – To assist us with planning, especially at the rallies, we hope that you will mail, call or email us if you plan to attend any particular event. Visitors are always welcome to stop by and say hello but we hope that if you plan to bring your rig, you’ll let us know.
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