From an SNU member - We got the letter last night. I was going to email you. Thru it in the trash, ha ha. - if you need any help, let me know :)
From an SNU member - Great letter to Smithson, I think it covers it very well without resorting expletives
From an SNU member - Good response. (regarding the response letter from the SNU CBL chair to Smithson)
From an SNU member - I have read it all and still do not understand the problem. It appears that the complaint is that out updated bylaws have been lost or misplaced by careless people who are now complaining. If there is a complaint about bylaw provisions being contrary to law or WBCCI rules I did not see it. So, it seems to me that the problem is them, not us. However, it is a waste of time and effort to argue with idiots. If anyone can figure out what is wanted (which I cannot do) I suggest we do it, then forget it.
From a 30 year WBCCI member - Hey, I got the e-mail about WBCCI and the SNU. What a crock! Sometimes I wonder how WBCCI lasted so long. There are a lot of good things about WBCCI but then you also have to wade through the bull shit. Hope you get it sorted out soon. I think you said it best"I really think WBCCI's lack of understanding and unwillingness to change is why there are getting to be more Airstream groups and events outside WBCCI". And you're right, it is very sad. We have been in WBCCI about 30 years and we have basically been saying the same thing. It's why we don't go to region rallies or the international rallies. We seem to have a problem with people who want to do everything their way or no way.
From a WBCCI life member - I am sorry to hear that your Unit is having issues with WBCCI. I am not surprised. Influencing change within WBCCI is something I long ago wisely gave up as not worth my effort or time. I once publicly stated the leadership of WBCCI is content to enjoy the present situation and their status within the Club as they hope the Club will last for at least their lifetime.
As a Regional Officer at that time, I truly believed the leadership could and would understand the climate and culture was changing and the Club needed to change to adapt to the new reality. When I listened to the speech of an incoming International President who had presented himself as an enlightened individual, I resigned as a Regional Officer and since then, my wife and I have limited our activities to our Unit and then not too frequently.
Changing organizational culture is very difficult and frequently takes between five to ten years to not only make the outward, recognizable changes, but also, to embed the new culture so that it becomes more difficult to revert to the old ways than to practice the new ways. There are always those who go along with change as long as there is pressure but once they see an opportunity to revert to the past, they will. WBCCI is fraught with old Past International Presidents (PIPs) that do not want anything to change. These PIPS control too much of the decision making authority and resist change lest they lose their perceived status. Best wishes for success in your efforts with WBCCI. I admire your willingness to go up against the system.
From an SNU member - I have been reading all the docs on the SNU website concerning the SNU Charter mess with the Pres of R12 and WBCCI. Not knowing of all this until recently, I can see how messy this has become simply because of a lot of mis-communication (mostly on the part of R12 and WBCCI). Anything I can do to help, I'd be happy to
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