Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Courtesy Parking

Diane Leipper #772

We have listed our courtesy parking in the WBCCI directory for several years and have never had anyone take us up on the offer. In 2008 we had two visitors in a week. In fact, one came Wednesday and left Thursday and the other came Friday and left Sunday . We also had a third request for courtesy parking from some other WBCCI members at about the same time. What a surprise! All unplanned, all just passing through. What a great experience for us and I think for all three of our visitors.

One couple was from the Arizona Unit, the other from the Ontario Unit and the third was from Michigan. Like Pee Wee told me recently “So many, many, many Airstreamers were family friends as well as Club Members.” With all of these visitors it was more like welcoming family than it was having strangers park in your yard. I feel that we have made some new friends.

With all of our visitors we had a great time sharing Airstream experiences and just visiting when they weren't running around exploring all the local attractions. The couple from the Ontario Unit hit the jackpot. They are fans of the 1950's. Their Airstream is decked out in 50's decor. They arrived in Reno just in time for the opening events of Hot August Nights. Probably the biggest and best celebration of the 50's and 60's in the entire U.S. I think we surprised the Arizona Unit members when we informed them that our grandparents were charter members of their Unit and showed them a picture of the organizational rally.

I think courtesy parking is truly an under recognized and under utilized benefit of WBCCI membership. I know there can be uncertainties on both sides when considering courtesy parking. For instance, will the hosts be home? What type of parking do they have? Pets? Facilities? Directions? etc. Based on these two experiences, I am really thankful we have the space to accommodate visiting Airstreamers. Our neighbor even offered her yard for parking. I would highly recommend to any WBCCI member who has space available to consider offering courtesy parking and any traveling WBCCI member, give it a try. You will make new friends you will definitely enhance your Airstreaming experiences.

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