It is the membership of the Sierra Nevada Unit, WBCCI that makes things happen and keeps the Unit evolving and growing. We want to thank the following members for their contributions to the SNU in 2008.
All of the SNU members who attended rallies and luncheons in 2008. Your participation helped make these events fun and rewarding for all of us. Those who contributed photographs assured we have the rallies well represented and preserved in pictures.
All SNU members who contributed content for the SNU newsletter – Jerry Thormburg, Randy Grossmann, Chuck Fell, Wes & RoyLaine Warn, Dave & Rachel Strode, Anita Leipper, Don Williams, Scott & Icyl Mulligan, Melissa Wong, Roger Jeppson, Clint & Kathy Norrell, Bryan Leipper, Diane Leipper, Guest contributors included Paula Poll, Don Costar & Larry Clark
Von Gallion & Yvonne DeRoule - represented the SNU at the WBCCI International Rally in Bozeman, MT. Played in various music groups at the rally.
Dave Gmur - Assisted in the editing and review of the 2008 and 2009 SNU rally schedules.
Dale E. & Marge Grosch - represented the SNU at the WBCCI International Rally in Bozeman, MT. Volunteered on several committees including parking.
Randy & Vicki Grossmann - Randy's continued efforts at getting public service announcements in the local media outlets despite the editing and other obstacles he has encountered. Made waffles for a special breakfast at the Unionville rally. Hosted the lunch at El Charro. Scouted out a future rally site
Gary & Anita Haskett – Assisted in scouting out future rally sites. Gary cooked a roast for us at the Portola rally in his cobb cooker.
Roger & Janet Jeppson - Roger reviewed the letters regarding the restoration of the 42ft Airstream.
Roman Kreminski & Melissa Wong – Melissa provided the layout and design for the SNU newsletter. Scouted out the Blue Lakes area and hosted the October rally there. Fruit smoothies at Unionville. Setting up Aluminitus on CafePress.
Rick & Jeanne Sassin Laborde – Hosted the rally at Obsidian Dome
Bryan & Diane Leipper – Scouted out future rally sites. Maintained the SNU website. Provided support services to the SNU. Hosted the Sweetwater Summit rally
Anita Leipper - Scouted out future rally sites. Hosted the Eagle Lake rally. Acted as advance scout for several rallies. Made phone calls to various SNU members. Promoted the SNU with other Airstream groups. Assisted in the editing and review of the 2008 and 2009 SNU rally schedules.
Clint & Kathy Norrell – provided the SNU with some humorous memories of two SNU rallies with Clint's original cartoon artwork. Clint also drew a special picture that was presented to Jerry at the end of his term as SNU President. Kathy provided valuable feedback on the SNU newsletter.
Robert Sobsey & Yvonne De Marco - represented the SNU at the WBCCI International Rally in Bozeman, MT. Robert carried the new SNU flag in the opening ceremony.
Jerry & Dyann McDonald Thornburg – Jerry provided the leadership that helped guide the SNU during a period of continued growth and development. Represented the SNU at the WBCCI International Rally in Bozeman. MT. Dyann put together a notebook of the SNU newsletters for the newsletter contest. Hosted the Unionville rally. Cooked a roast at the Pyramid Lake rally on their new battery operated rotisserie over the campfire. Dyann provided editorial review of the newsletter and printed and mailed the snail mail version. Jerry volunteered to chair the 42ft Airstream restoration project.
Wes & RoyLaine Warn – Hosted the November luncheon at Chuckars. Provided tamales for a rally pot luck.
Wheels & Doris Wheeler – proposed a special event rally for 2009 and are working to put it together.
Don & Gail Williams - Represented the SNU at the WBCCI International Rally in Bozeman, MT. Created the SNU poster for the poster contest. Hosted the first SNU supported rally at Death Valley. Posted SNU rallies on Airforums. Don took over the job of moderator for the SNU private section on Airfourms. Promoted the SNU with other Airstream groups. Made special chili at the Eagle Lake rally in their dutch oven.
Note: This list provides the highlights and is not inclusive of all the contributions by these or other SNU members. Any omissions are due to faulty memory on the part of the composer of this list and are unintentional.
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