Sierra Nevada Airstreams -> TT Owner's Guide -> Living

Omelets in a Bag

Supplies and equipment

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Supplies and equipment

zip lock quart size freezer bags

permanent marker pen

large pot(s) - pot size depends on the number of people. It has to be big enough to hold several bags of omelets and enough water to cover them with some room for the bags to move around in the water.

propane BBQ grill

propane stand burners

cooking surface - stovetop will work for smaller groups. We have used a large propane BBQ grill and even better, used a propane stand burner, like what is used for deep fried turkey.

Omelet ingredients are lined up buffet style

eggs – about 2 eggs per person

omelet ingredients – ham, sausage, onions, peppers, cheese, olives, salsa, tomato, mushrooms, or whatever else people want in their omelets.


Gail pouring eggs into her bag

Fill the pots with water and bring to a boil.

Prepare eggs – We usually crack a dozen into a container and mix them thoroughly. You can also crack one or two eggs, into each bag as suits each individual.

Have everyone write their name on a ziploc bag with the permanent marker

Use a ladle that holds approximately two eggs to spoon eggs into each bag.

Have each person then add whatever additional ingredients they choose.

Make sure to get the air out of the bags and seal them tightly.

When you have several bags of omelets prepared (enough for one pot) put them into the boiling water.

Omelets are done

Cindy testing the omelet

Depending on altitude, number of bags, and other details, cook the eggs approximately 13 to 15 minutes. You can test them by taking one out of the water and gently pressing it with a spatula. If it is firm and not runny, it is probably done.

The perfect omelet

All that is left to do is enjoy the omelet

When done, take the omelets out of the water, open bag onto a plate and the omelet will roll right out of the bag.


Do as much prep as possible at home. Wash and cut the mushrooms, cut up the olives and onions, and shred the cheese. You can also pre-cook the sausage and ham as it will warm up when cooked in the omelet. This saves a lot of time, you don't have to use any water to clean things and there is less garbage to deal with. Depending on the amount of time between when you leave home and when you plan to do the omelets you could also prepare all or most of the eggs. Break them into a leak proof container to take with you. Then you don't have all those egg shells to fill up the garbage. Definitely use a small ladle or something that measures about 2 eggs. It is usually best to put the eggs in the bag before the other ingredients. We didn't do this and ended up with some rather large omelets. This was due in part to putting ingredients in first then adding eggs to cover. This wasn't necessary and may have contributed to using more eggs than needed.

Food Safety Tips

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