Sierra Nevada Airstreams: Memories - Travelogues

Ken and Jeannette Sellars

Lost dog

Ken and Jeannette's trip across Central Australia in May 2010

Note: dates are the date of the email and not necessarily the actual date of the event

June 15, 2010

We have also gained another short term responsibility, which now he trusts me he howls every time I am out of his sight. Has made getting things done today a bit of a problem. Trying to find the owner, may be an aboriginal "camp dog

June 15, 2010

The little bloke was much better last night. I did have a couple of "anti-dog" people getting themselves in a bit of a lather over hearing him the previous night, but we feed him a snack quite late, then I took him out into the paddock for a toilet run before I went to bed. At 6 am there were dingoes howling and I heard him having a few whimpers, so I got up and again took him out into the paddock for toilet, and then back we came and he settled down until 7 am when he began making noise so I took him and the camera off for a walk.

The chain I am using to restrain him is so heavy it may well have been used for towing bulldozers, but it was what I had. He was after every animal scent and would try and head off after every wallaby track he found. Strong devil he was trying to pull me along and through very small spaces??? I got dragged along as though being pulled by Huskies for about seven km in the hope that when we got back he would sleep and not bark. When we did get back he got a small feed and settled down.

Then Gary came to say the owner had been found!!! and they were on the way right now.

When they arrived a very nice aboriginal family from Nauiyu, we learned that the little dog had jumped from a vehicle on May 3rd, and they have been contacting all the remote communities asking if anyone had seen him. They had sightings reported to them and had been leaving food in locations in the hope that he would get it. It also explains how he hadn't understood English and I had to communicate with him mostly in sign language with gestures.

They had decided that he had probably been killed by a dingo and had ordered two replacement Jack Russell Terrier pups due next week. It was wonderful to watch as they pulled up in their vehicle and the dog recognizing it, then the girl coming over and the little blokes excitement then. He wriggled so much I had difficulty getting the chain undone.

So the tough little character had survived crocodiles at billabongs, wild pigs and dingoes for more than a month, which explains why he was starving with a most bones showing.

Sunrise this morning as the "little bloke" and I left camp for what turned out to be a last long walk together.

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