In March of 1981 eighteen members of the Monterey Bay California Unit started out on a caravan to Baja Mexico. This caravan was number 15 for the MBCU. The participants were all longtime members and experienced Airstreamers. This is the story of one of the many memorable incidents on the trip that was recorded in the trip diary.
I think it was the third day of the caravan. After spending the night at the Estero Beach Park the caravan headed out for a fairly easy 100 mile drive to Colonia Guerrero and the next campsite. Apparently the beach in this area was good for clamming. The Caravanners, anxious to get to the beach and dig for clams ignored some rough roads caused by recent rain and headed out. Some of the Caravanner's were very successful in gathering clams. Others surreptitiously purchased clams from the locals resulting “in a very impressive catch”.
Russ Comrie, the Caravan Wagon Chief knew just what to do with the clams. He hauled out his portable Coleman cook top Then he spent all day chopping onions and potatoes and grinding clams. He put a big pot on the burner, added all the ingredients and blended in various herbs. This chowder slowly simmered filling the air with succulent smells and filling the Caravanner's with anticipation. As Happy Hour neared everyone was impressed with this large pot of “the best smelling chowder you've ever seen.” “Then disaster struck!” The Coleman stand collapsed just 15 minutes before everyone was ready to eat. The entire pot of chowder spilled out onto the ground.
Although there was great disappointment, this group of adaptable Caravanner's, just made a quick change of plans and headed to a local restaurant. A great time was had by all and another story was added to the collective memory of the MBCU.
Diane Leipper WBCCI # 772, Member since 1994. Sierra Nevada Unit #157.
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