1998 – Rally Review - This is a review of the 1998 WBCCI International Rally. It provides information and ideas that may be helpful in planning a region rally.
The SNU is a small Unit, under 30 members. As things stand as of November 2011, any assistance with planning for, or participation in a Region 12 Rally in the Reno/Carson City area would be minimal. Most likely, less than five SNU members would be available to assist. Assistance might include one or more of these projects - Hosting one meal during the rally, assisting with arrangements for certain entertainment or activities, providing ideas and information about local attractions, assisting in gathering items for rally participant goody bags,
Comments - There are several important things to consider about doing a traditional SNU style boondocking rally. Dispersed rally sites large enough to accommodate 20 to 50 rigs are a minimum of 20 miles from any amenities. Arrangements would have to be considered and made for waste disposal, auxiliary power, water and other services. Cell phone service and internet connections could be spotty. Distance could be an issue when considering rally activities like tours and entertainment. Most likely this size group would require a special use permit from BLM or the Forest Service depending on the site.
One of the few feasible sites for this type of rally is Ft. Churchill State Park. Scout Camp at Ft Churchill is a dispersed area that could hold 30 or so Airstreams. The actual campground could only hold about 20 rigs. If you work with the Park, there are also some other sites that could be considered. There are several activities that could be part of the rally including a tour of Buckland Station, the museum at Ft Churchill, and a guided tour of the ruins of the Fort. Civil War re-enactors hold events at Ft Churchill and that could be a possibility. Also the Pony Express organization could be involved.
SNU at Ft Churchill http://sierranevadaairstreams.org/destinations/95-south/churchill/index.html
Comments – If there is a desire to include some sort of boondocking experience, this might be a good choice. The campground is rustic but it does have paved drives and parking spots. Participants can choose sites with no hookups or sites with electric only. There are also some full service sites. Since this campground is in town, it offers easy access to shopping, casinos, and all the sites and activities of Lake Tahoe. The nearby recreation center might be utilized as a meeting room and possible site for meals.
Sparks Marina RV Park http://www.sparksmarinarvpark.net/
Comments – all the amenities of a high end RV Park. Central location, close to everything.
KOA At Boomtown http://koa.com/campgrounds/reno/
Comments – Utilized by NorCal and other WBCCI Units. Easy access to Boomtown Casino and meeting rooms . Easy access to Cabela's. The park is in a more rural setting but only 10 miles from Downtown Reno.
RV Park at Grand Sierra http://www.grandsierraresort.com/hotel/rv-park
Comments – Central location, easy access. Close to Grand Sierra but not as convenient to get from the RV park to meeting rooms in the Grand Sierra.
Comstock Country RV Park in Carson City http://www.comstockrv.com/Comstock_Country_RV/Welcome.html
Comments – Central location at the junction of Hwy 50 and Hwy 395 just South of Carson City. Across the road from Bodine's Casino,
Silver City RV Resort http://www.silvercityrvresort.com/
Comments – Not much in the way of ambiance but easy access, just off Hwy 395. Fairly central location to the Carson City area, Lake Tahoe and Gardnerville/Minden.
Consider a western theme This could include local talent like John Tyson (speaker), and a chuck wagon dinner. Also consider coordinating some activity with the Pony Express organization and/or some re-enactors like a gunfight at Virginia City.
John Tyson http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj7rcs_john-tyson-s-journal_news
Nevada Pony Express http://nevadaponyexpress.org/
Cowboy performers http://www.renocowboypoetry.org/Reno_Cowboy_Poetry_Entertai.html
The Nevada Magazine – the Cowboy Way http://www.nevadamagazine.com/issues/read/the_cowboy_way/
Cowboy Fast Draw Association http://www.cowboyfastdraw.com/
Chuckwagon Registry http://lonehand.com/chuck_wagon_registry/chuck_wagon_registry.htm
Reno rodeo http://www.renorodeo.com/ (possible resource for chuckwagon meals, entertainment, and other things)