Recreation with vehicles in the Sierra Nevada and American Great Basin areas – Sierra Nevada Unit, WBCCI


The WBCCI International Rally 2006, a SNU View

Note: This site has no official connections or ties with WBCCI. It is strictly a personal effort to assist us in preparing for and participating in the international rally in Salem Oregon.

Take a look at the WBCCI Song Book

1962 Auburn, WA visiting the Seattle World's Fair

Tours and other off site activities

Check the list of all the tours organized for the Salem rally


The WBCCI band and choir

There are band and choir practices scheduled throughout the rally

The rally Parade

Entertainment Scheduled for the rally

Wed June 28

Blue Beret Day

Line Dancing (8-8:45)

Joker Tournament (1-4:30)

Ballroom dancing after the evening program

Answers Needed

* Are there special activites for teens and pre- teens?

* Are all special events and activities other than the tours, included in the registration fee?

Ideas and suggestions

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