-|- Sierra Nevada Unit -|- SNU History

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle

40th Anniversary of the Sierra Nevada Unit 1976 – 2016

Anniversary Rally Review

By all accounts the 40th anniversary SNU rally at the Lassen RV Resort was a resounding success. It was such a success that during the rally there was a strong desire to return there next year which almost rose to the level of a demand. Consequently, a rally has been scheduled for September of next year at the Lassen RV Resort. Planning has already started for that rally. There is talk of possibly adding in movies this next time.

The Resort has a nice screened building where many of the festivities took place and in which the various displays were set up. Vicki provided a Wizard of Oz theme with a Tin Man display. Randy constructed a model Airstream which he displayed along with a tow vehicle. He explained that it is not a finished product. He is working on perfecting the fabrication of the four compound curved corners and there are many enhancements that will be added over time. Also on display was the ever so popular Diorama. Diane had a display of numerous memorabilia as well as an Airstream cooler which was about the same size as the one Randy built at 1/6 scale. Vicki added the final touches to the screened building with various decorations. Of course the Thing (aka Monstrosity) was also on display outside. Wheels has to be given credit for someone finally coming up with a new and better name by which it will be called from now on which is the “Lighted Wonder” or just the “Wonder” for short. Phil and Jasmin, the Resort owners and managers, put up two Airstream rally banners, one of which they graciously gave to the SNU. Phil & Jasmin also provided a pink flamingo planter to help decorate the table and Jasmin handed out pink flamingo pens to everyone when they arrived.

The food at this rally was fabulous. Phil and Jasmin provided two catered meals which were outstanding. One was lunch on Friday in their Bistro restaurant and the other was a buffet style dinner Saturday evening in the screened building. Randy served his nationally famous waffles Saturday morning in the Bistro restaurant. Phil and Jasmin provided the use of their commercial kitchen for this and used their grill to prepare sausages and bacon. Members brought various waffle toppings in addition to those provided by Phil and Jasmin. The SNU had one of its typical pot lucks Friday evening in the screened building. We finished the potluck with an anniversary cake which Diane brought.

Saturday afternoon we visited the Ft Crook Museum in Fall River Mills. We were first given an historical presentation and then given a tour of the various Museum buildings.

We had 11 rigs at the rally. The attendees were Gene and Carmen, Randy and Vicki, Gary and Anita, Roman and Melissa, Melissa’s niece Danielle, Eric and Terry, Diane and Bryan, Jerry and Dyann, Gene and Kathy, Roylaine and Jim, Wheels and Doris and Bob and Cecelia. Roman and Melissa brought their Forrest River Aviator trailer which was of great interest to many people. Randy’s and Vicki’s friends Bob and Charlotte Hemphill who live in the area attended some of the festivities.

The weather cooperated quite well. It was a little cool and windy during the day on Friday when we had our luncheon indoors. The temperature eventually warmed a little and the wind died down so that we were able to have our potluck outdoors in the screened building that evening. The weather was warm and perfect on Saturday which nicely allowed for the buffet in the screened building that evening.

Saturday evening was the grand finale of the rally. After the fantastic buffet the SNU presented Phil and Jasmin with a thank you card and gift as tokens of appreciation for all the wonderful things they did for us with the help of their friends and relatives. Randy and Vicki were presented with a throw blanket inscribed with recognition of their hosting the 30th, 35th, and 40th SNU anniversary events. After that Vicki provided each of the ladies with a ruby necklace and each of the men with a bottle of sparkling cider. Vicki had made the necklaces herself.

As each of us packed up to leave Sunday morning after having such a wonderful time we looked froward to returning next year. Some members plan on visiting the Resort by themselves before the next rally there.

A Thank You Note from Randy and Vicki

We are happy that everyone found their way to the Emerald City (Lassen RV Resort). We all enjoyed the 40th anniversary rally very much. We would like to thank everyone for the beautiful gift and recognition we received from all of you. You are all very special to us and should also be recognized. As Jerry said "It's the Airstreams that bring us together but it's the people who keep us together." We might add that you are the glue of the SNU and that is why we stick to you. Thank you to all SNU members.

Happy Campers, Randy and Vicki

The Tin Man

A note of explanation is needed regarding the Tin Man and ruby necklaces. In Typical SNU fashion, a discussion at a rally about a year ago ended up revealing that Vicki, with assistance from Randy, has a history of decorating for Halloween. Vicki worked for a dentist office and every year she would pick a theme and decorate the entire office. The staff all got involved and the patients loved it. The office even began to draw other people in to see the displays. Apparently Randy and Vicki got carried away and their creative talents were something to behold. The SNU has seen that talent expressed in a variety of ways including the diorama and Randy’s solar light display. One year, they chose the theme of the Wizard of Oz. The Tin Man is one of the pieces they created for that Halloween display. You should hear Vicki and Randy’s stories, including Dorothy’s house flying out of the trailer onto a city street while transporting it to the office for display. This is an example of a disaster turning into something good. The damage done to the little house improved it by making it look as though it was picked up by the tornado and dropped down again. The Ruby necklaces, that Vicki made and gave to the women at the rally, have a double significance. Ruby is the gemstone for 40th Anniversaries. Ruby also relates to Dorothy’s slippers in the Wizard of Oz. Ruby also has become the name of Randy’s latest creation – the Airstream. As Vicki explained, some SNU members Airstreams have names so it seemed only proper that this mini-Airstream should have a name and the most appropriate name was Ruby.


In 2002 it was rather inconceivable to think the SNU would make it to the 30th Anniversary, never mind the 40th.. Most of the original SNU members had gotten older and no longer able to tow their rigs. The SNU slid into being a luncheon unit rather than a rally unit and membership was declining. In 2002 the advise from the Region leadership was to fold up or merge with another Unit. The three remaining active members chose to keep going. To the surprise of everyone except those three members, within a few years the SNU was a solid and growing Unit. Again, in 2016 the SNU faced challenges to its existence as a Unit of WBCCI. This time from outside the SNU. Once again the SNU prevailed. The SNU continues to be a strong and stable Unit with an active membership that includes many new members. The Anniversary rally at Lassen RV Resort gave us an opportunity to recognize the past and move forward into the future. For Bryan & Diane, still active members who joined the SNU in 1994, this rally was representative of all the changes and a reminder of the things that make the SNU special. For Eric and Terry, the newest SNU members, this was their first SNU rally. It seemed only appropriate that Eric and Terry should be the ones to blow out the candles on the Anniversary cake and start the SNU off on a new decade. We really had a lot to celebrate and a lot to be thankful for at this rally. We look for to many more adventures with all our SNU members and future members.

Diane Leipper

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