The following are concepts by which the Sierra Nevada Unit operates. They provide the basis for the decisions and actions of the SNU.
In order to assist the SNU to promote its activities and build awareness in the communities in which it operates efforts have been made to work with local media outlets, primarily print but also radio, and other means.
Print media – The SNU submits a PSA monthly to a variety of local newspapers announcing an upcoming rally or event. These PSA's are usually submitted two (2) weeks prior to the event. At the beginning of each year all media contacts are sent a cover letter and a copy of the SNU rally schedule for the entire year.
Media Relations – The SNU has developed a working relationship with specific people at various news outlets. We are continuing to seek out and develop relationships with other media contacts. To support and thank these contacts the SNU usually gives them a small token of appreciation at the end of the year. We have also invited them to special SNU activites as our guest.
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