The following are concepts by which the Sierra Nevada Unit operates. They provide the basis for the decisions and actions of the SNU.
Most of the active SNU members were at the open house all day.
We had a table set up with lots of materials, the photo albums, and display photographs.
We talked with people, answer questions etc. We represented the Airstream way of life and we could answer question the sales staff couldn't. We could talk from actual experience not just a sales pitch.
note: Although I don't know the final result, I know for a fact the SNU members are responsible for keeping one potential sale going. There was a family that was really interested. The SNU members were talking with them. When it really looked like they were serious one of the SNU members went and got a sales rep.
We have provided the dealership with newsletters, SNU brochures, flyers and other materials to display in the office and to put in each new Airstream.
We have discussed ideas for informing purchasers of new Airstreams and potential purchasers about WBCCI and the SNU. One idea is to get a list from the dealership on a regular basis so that we can follow up instead of waiting for that information to come from WBCCI.
We designated an SNU member as a primary contact with the dealership
One or the other of our members goes by the dealership on a fairly frequent basis just to visit.
We have suggested the dealership put our rally schedule on the events calendar on his website.
We have made numerous suggestions regarding the interests, ideas, and needs of Airstream owners in our area. The dealership has listened and seems to be implementing some of them.
We invited the owner to the Unit 30th anniversary luncheon. He, his wife and the new sales rep for Airstream attended.
The SNU participated in the 2005 and 2006 dealership open house. We had representatives at the 2007 event. At these events SNU members have done seminars on remodeling Airstreams, set up information and display tables, and talked with visitors about the Airstream lifestyle.
The dealer has brought brand new Airstreams to two SNU rallies. The first time was up a dirt road to a minimally developed campsite. He left the Airstream overnight for us to explore and examine. We thoroughly enjoyed that opportunity and it led to one of our members purchasing a new Airstream.
The dealership purchases an ad in our snail mail newsletter which helps cover costs of mailing.
We asked and the dealership purchased a number of the SNU 30th Anniversary commemorative mugs which helped cover the cost.
Selling Airstreams is also not why WBCCI exists (at least since it created its current charter!). We can hope the dealer is successful because that means we have some help when we need it and there are more folks who can join us, but selling Airstreams is not job 1 of the WBCCI or the SNU.
The SNU is cognizant of the need to keep it's own identity and not be perceived as a commercial component of the dealership. With that in mind, we are exploring opportunities and looking forward to developing a very good, very solid relationship between the SNU and the dealership.
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