Sierra Nevada Unit, Wally Byam Caravan Club International

Operational Notes

The following are concepts by which the Sierra Nevada Unit operates. They provide the basis for the decisions and actions of the SNU.

The SNU and the Airstream Dealership

What the SNU has done

2005 Dealership Open House

Other efforts

Dealership Support

Issues to keep in mind

Selling Airstreams is also not why WBCCI exists (at least since it created its current charter!). We can hope the dealer is successful because that means we have some help when we need it and there are more folks who can join us, but selling Airstreams is not job 1 of the WBCCI or the SNU.

The SNU is cognizant of the need to keep it's own identity and not be perceived as a commercial component of the dealership. With that in mind, we are exploring opportunities and looking forward to developing a very good, very solid relationship between the SNU and the dealership.

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