It's common for people to have guests for the holidays, usually family or friends. Well Gail and I had nationally known celebrities visit us for Thanksgiving. Almost every body has met a celebrity. I remember flying back to Ohio from a job interview in Boston. I was talking to this guy on the plane and he looked so familiar. I finally asked, "you look so familiar, do I know you?" It turned out he was a Cleveland newscaster for one of the major networks and was quite miffed that I didn't recognize him. Then there is the time I went to Customs in Los Angeles Airport to pick up some motorcycle parts being shipped in from Canada and there was Leonard Nimoy (Spock) having a temper tantrum about whatever items he was there to pick up.
Well I got an email late Monday evening asking if I could recommend a campground, RV park or someone with courtesy parking in the Riverside area. It seemed that Rich, Eleanor and Emma Luhr of Airstream Life and Tour of America were visiting friends in Riverside and failed to reserve a campsite before a busy holiday weekend. What would any normal person do? Okay, I don’t consider myself normal, but I am one of those that embrace the Airstream lifestyle so I invited them to park in the street at our house, told them we lived in a quiet residential neighborhood, sent them our address and suggested they use Google Maps to take a look and decide. Lo and behold, they arrived Tuesday afternoon. I think the offer to use a neighbor’s dump station before they leave won them over.
I would like to tell you what gracious hosts we were but my volunteer commitments and both the Luhr’s and our holiday plans provided little time to sit, relax and visit. Gail and I did get to sit down Wednesday evening and Thursday morning with Rich and exchange ideas on solar and inverter power systems, maintenance issues on Airstream running gear, vintage restorations and his philosophy on article content for Airstream Life. Boy am I going to have to work harder to get anything published! We also got to visit for a few minutes Friday morning while they finished getting everything together. A nice bunch unlike the previous celebrities I had met.
Gail and I did get to glance inside their Airstream; it was remarkably uncluttered for a family living in a 30 ft silver Twinkie. I understand that the Luhr’s have bought a house in the Southwest and will be putting down roots for a few months every year. Can you imagine what culture shock that will be, moving from a 250 square foot mobile two bedroom apartment to a 2000 square foot house! And then there will be all those household chores that interrupt work on the Airstream and trips planned. Welcome to our world!
All told we enjoyed their brief visit and hope we see them again when time allows us to sit, relax and visit.
Don & Gail Williams Riverside, CA WBCCI # 14207, Sierra Nevada Unit #157
Rich, Eleanor and Emma Luhr |
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