the 1950's and 1960's Earth Sciences, including oceanography and
meteorology were developing sciences not only in the United States
but in other countries around the world. This meant there were a lot
of meetings and conferences among academic, professional, and
business leaders in the field.
photo was taken in Sweden in 1957. Dad is circled
Dad often made comments in his letters about the various
airplanes he traveled on. He also took a lot of photos from the air.
Many of them understandably, were of clouds or cloud formations.
1955 Europe |
1957 Russia |
1961 Japan |
1966 Bermuda |
the 1950s and 1960s Dad traveled frequently for his job. This time
period was essentially the beginning of air travel for the general
population. There were a lot of changes in aircraft during this time.
One major change was from prop driven to jet aircraft. Dad often
commented about airplanes in his letters.
These are sample
comments from Dad's letters regarding air travel.
It is 5 pm Saturday evening and we have just left Dallas on an American Airlines Electra. It is slower than the full jets so it will take us 2 hours and 57 minutes to get to Washington. There will be drinks and dinner in that time.
March 20, 1960
I got back into Houston on Saturday afternoon at 1 pm. Va. And all
the family met me there. I asked the hostess if I could bring them
all on the plane after the passengers got off and it was okay so they
all saw the new Electra. It is quite a plane and the kids seemed to
get a big kick out of stepping into it.
Sierra Nevada Airstreams: Memories - Family - Community - Owner's Guide - Education - Commerce - WBCCI Unit - Quicksand
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