Pictures provided by Ken and Jeanette Sellars. See the Sellar's travelogue for more links and photos of Australia
In Australia late May, June, July, August, is the time of heavy
tourist traffic around Australia, particularly above the Tropic of
Capricorn, with the vast majority of travelers being retired people
known as "Grey Nomads".
By around 4pm each day
during those months the free roadside camp areas begin to fill up as
the "Grey Nomads" pull in for the "overnighter".
This allows enough daylight to leisurely set up camp, get introduced
to the others already pulled up and get oneself invited to someone's
"happy hour".
I recall during 2005 shocking friends
and family by emailing that Australia's warm Northern areas
particularly North Western Australia were at that time, "standing
room only", a reference to how packed all the popular places
Click on image for larger view
For many Australians this rig at Tennant Creek is typical of "Living the Dream" A converted bus covered in solar panels becomes home, the trailer takes their four wheel drive and boat, and a bit of handyman work at Caravan Parks pays the rent. |
This one was at the camp site we utilized 67km South of Alice Springs, what is a coincidence is both this bus and the one at Tennant Creek have two front axels, and all four front wheels steer. The owner of the one at Tennant Creek told me it is a 1966 model and his belief is that there are only five of them left in Australia. The one from 67km South of Alice Springs is registered in Tasmania which means they have had considerable expense to have brought it over to mainland Australia. In this example the four wheel drive is a small version and instead of a trailer, it is towed behind using an "A frame", with a wiring connection to activate the vehicles rear lights. There are many variations of this converted bus theme travelling around Australia. |
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