As usual, the January lunch at Black Bear in Fernley was very enjoyable. Good food, good company, and good service. We even had good weather despite a rather iffy forecast. Luncheon participants included Randy & Vicki, Jerry, Dyann & Jill, Gene T, Roger & Janet, Diane, RoyLaine & Jim and Gary & Anita. This Saturday was Jerry & Dyann’s birthday so we helped them celebrate and wished them Happy Birthday! To start off the SNU’s 40th anniversary year, Diane passed around some special Anniversary stickers. She also asked for feedback on Rick’s special design for the newsletter. Everyone had nothing but praise for the newsletter. They felt it was a great way to add a little fun to the layout and commemorate this special year for the SNU. It seems everyone is getting a little antsy to hit the road before long. A lot of the luncheon discussion revolved around travel plans for this year. Randy & Vicki are heading to Lassen RV Park sometime this spring to make preparations for the SNU anniversary rally in September. They are also thinking about heading to Death Valley sometime. Gene & Kathy are thinking of a possible Oregon Coast trip. All of us are anxious for the first 2016 SNU rally at Washoe Lake in March. In the meantime, we are looking forward to our February lunch at the Olive Garden.
We had a very nice lunch at the Olive Garden on Saturday February 20th. It’s always fun to check out new places. Excitement is growing for our March Rally. That was the main topic of discussion at lunch. After a long search, it looks like Gene & Kathy will have a new window installed in their MoHo by then. Jerry & Dyann may have a new tow dolly for their MoHo. Bryan & Diane will probably have new tires on their trailer. All of us will be getting our rigs de-winterized, cleaned up and ready for rallies and other adventures. Other than those mentioned, lunch participants included Randy & Vicki, Gary & Anita and Bob & Cecilia. I think we all left the lunch pretty well stuffed. Anita headed to a gardening class and several others did some shopping before heading home. Overall, a good way to spend a Saturday.
2016 is off to a great start if the March rally at Washoe is an indicator! The weather was just about perfect. We were able to get sites in somewhat of a group so we were pretty much all together. Dyann fixed delicious corned beef and cabbage for our Friday St Paddy's day dinner. Doris had made a white cake with green swirls and green icing. Although the cake was to celebrate her dog Andy's birthday, it was people food and we all enjoyed it. Andy did get a bite later. Friday Bryan got a call from Ruth who had found out about the rally through an internet search. She was interested in coming with her family and wanted to know more about the rally. She hadn't mentioned the idea to her husband yet. After letting Ruth know her family would be more than welcome, she said she'd call back. Apparently her husband, Neal was not hard to encourage. Within about 2 hours they had loaded up their 1994 Excella, got their 10 yr old & 18 month old boys in the truck and the next thing we knew, they called from the other side of Washoe Lake and said they were on their way. What a great family. We hope we see more of them in the future. The other guest at the rally was Dyann & Jerry's daughter, Jill. This was her first rally and although she is more of a city girl, we hope she'll come again sometime. Other than Jerry & Dyann, rally participants included Gary & Anita, Wheels & Doris, and Bryan & Diane. Rally activities included a trip to the nearby chocolate factory, an afternoon game of dominoes, morning campfires, and depending on your preference, a few short walks or longer hikes to get the winter kinks out. It seems everyones rigs made it through the winter with no major problems. Other than some minor tweaks, no maintenance work was needed at the rally. The other entertainment at the rally was reviewing the SNU photo albums and working on Kitty Kredits. Kitty Kredits was an idea to help stimulate memories of all the SNU rallies members and friends have attended and the highlights or what sticks in their mind about each of those rallies. Check the website for more information on Kitty Kredits. Now that we have our rigs de-winterized and most of our solar lights and flamingos out of mothballs, we are looking forward to the rest of the rally season. We hope that those who couldn't make this rally because of health or last minute mechanical problems will be able to attend a rally soon. We also hope that other SNU members who haven't been able to participate in a rally will make a point of joining us sometime this year.
We had six rigs at our April rally at Ft Churchill including affiliate members Bob and Nancy from Hunington Beach, CA. Jerry & Dyann had arrived on Wednesday and greeted the rest of us as we arrived. Other rally participants included Gary & Anita, Bryan & Diane, Wheels & Doris and RoyLaine & Jim. For the most part the weather cooperated. Thursday and Saturday were just about perfect. Friday a few scattered showers and wind gusts motivated us to have our dinner in Jerry & Dyann’s MoHo. Saturday we had dinner outside. Former SNU members, Fred & Ann Hersey joined us for dinner. They brought some of their notebooks about petroglyph sites they have visited. They have some great pictures and Fred has done an excellent job of documenting the photos and the sites they visited. Bob and Nancy took full advantage of being at Ft Churchill. They took the trail down to the river, which is flowing nicely this year. They hiked around the ruins of the fort buildings and visited the museum. They also took a tour of Buckland Station which has seen a lot of improvements since we were there in 2006. Dyann got a new solar light which turned out to be pretty appropriate. It’s a bear holding a honey pot which lights up at night. It so happens that a real bear has been hanging around Ft Churchill lately and the rangers have set up a bear trap near the campground entrance. Very unusual to have a bear in this territory. In addition to the bear solar light, Jerry went all out and set up his solar lights. Not to be outdone, the Wheelers and Leippers also got solar lights set up. The campground looked pretty neat after dark. Dyann & Jerry also picked up a new pink flamingo which decorated our picnic table. Morning campfires, shared dinners and lots of visiting made for a very enjoyable rally. Bob and Nancy decided to take a little tour of other SNU rally sites, including Hickison before heading home. We hope they had a good trip and look forward to seeing them again sometime this year.
Full Circle – According to an article in the September 1999 SNU newsletter written by Frank Burnham about the rally at Ft Churchill, he mentions that “prospective members, Fred and Ann Hersey came out for dinner.” Seventeen years later, we were delighted to once again have Fred and Ann join us at Ft Churchill for dinner. It was so good catching up and also sharing memories of times past.
We survived the May 2016 Rally Challenge! The first challenge was very gusty winds on the way to the rally site. Then, unbeknownst to us, there was major road work in progress on the road from Beckworth to Crocker. We followed a pilot car over and around various obstacles for several miles. Then there was the known challenge of finding a reasonably level spot to park. Then there was the weather. We had everything from a beautiful sunny afternoon on Thursday to rain, snow, hail and very cool temps. We all survived and the rewards were worth it. Good company, good food, and good morning campfires on Saturday and Sunday all in a beautiful spot. When the road work is finished it will make access to Crocker much easier. The road now goes right through the front yard of a ranch. A new bypass will go through pasture area. The road will be widened and it looks like it will be paved all the way up. Another reward for this rally was the wildflowers. All the way to Crocker the fields were full of lupine and other flowers. Rally activities included shared meals and indoor activities. The rain and snow showers provided a lot of opportunities for catching up on visiting, reading, watching TV or movies, or just listening to the beautiful sound of rain on aluminum. Between showers we could get out and enjoy the campground. As always seems to happen, Sunday was the best day weatherwise. We made the most of it with one last campfire and coffee and enjoying the views of the valley below the campground. Once again, we were thankful we came despite the forecasts for less than perfect weather.
The rally at Hickison Petroglyphs was attended by Randy and Vicki Grossmann as well as Jerry and Dyann Thornburg. Even though the rally was just the four of us, we had a lot of fun and a few adventures. The weather was warm and windy on Thursday and Friday but the wind eased up and it cooled off and became gorgeous on Saturday. We had the entire area pretty much to ourselves all days until around dinner time when travelers along Highway 50 would pull in to spend the night and explore the petroglyphs. Jerry met and spoke with a couple who were traveling to Mt. Whitney to use their rig as a base camp for their sons who were going to climb the mountain. Their rig was one built in Colorado Jerry had seen on the Extreme RVs TV show. Randy and Vicki took a walk up to look at the petroglyphs and said they discovered even more they hadn’t seen before. On Saturday while we were sitting in the Moho talking, Vicki’s keen eyes spotted a King snake going through camp. Jerry took it away and let it go as Vicki and I freaked out. Jerry has some new solar lights he tried out for the first time. Since we had forgotten to bring firewood we used the fire pit to display them. He put a couple next to the cement blocks that keep vehicles from pulling in too far and when the lights lit up at night it looked like stars on the blocks. Friday and Saturday dinners were held outside. Great food, wonderful company and stories told. Randy brought a really big three berry pie that was delicious. Randy and Vicki told us about their recent visit to the Lassen RV Resort and the plans in place for the upcoming SNU 40th Anniversary Rally on September 22nd thru 25th, 2016. If you are planning to go I strongly suggest you get your registration forms submitted as soon as possible so they know how many plan on attending and he can let the RV park know for food preparation. The RV park will be having both a lunch and dinner for the SNU members and Randy has promised to make his famous waffles one morning. Other activities are also planned but I’m not going to spoil the surprises. It promises to be a wonderful time for everyone who’s there. Also if you make a list of your memories of rallies with the SNU and send it to Diane Liepper ( you’ll get “Kitty Kredits”. Do 40 memories and you get $40.00 off the registration fee for the rally. This is a great deal and a lot of fun thinking back and remembering your fun times and adventures with the SNU. Should you not be able to do 40 it’s my understanding you get a “Kitty Kredit” for every one you do and prizes given. If you have any questions you can contact Diane for answers. I hope to see all of you at the Anniversary Rally, as well as the rally next month at Weed Heights near Yerington (July 21st – 24th, 2016). The park has full hook-ups and Jerry is planning another Nevada Surf and Turf dinner on Saturday like he did last year. Also an Ice Cream Social has been discussed. I look forward to seeing you at both rallies.
We had a great rally at Weed Heights. The seven Airstreams at the rally were a good representation of Airstream RV’s. There was Gene & Kathy’s classic motorhome, Bryan & Diane’s vintage Airstream and BVan, and Jerry & Dyann’s land yacht motorhome. Gary & Anita, Wheels & Doris, Claudia, and Roger & Janet had Airstreams made between 2005 to 2016. The air conditioners in all of them got a good workout this weekend. Gary & Anita had stopped at KFC in Fernley on the way to Weed Heights so we started off the rally with a chicken dinner on Thursday. Friday dinner was the highlight of the rally – Jerry’s Nevada surf-n-turf dinner. He really outdid himself. I think what started last year as a whim may have turned into another SNU tradition. In addition to delicious grilled steak and tilapia, we had roasted corn on the cob and ice cream for dessert. Diane brought the corn. Wheels and Doris brought a variety of delicious Blue Bell ice creams. Everyone else contributed salads, fruit, and other side dishes. Saturday’s dinner included leftovers along with a few additional dishes. Dyann had brought rootbeer and vanilla ice cream for dessert. After all the great food, we all could have used the treadmill in the club house but there were no takers. Some people though, did spend some time after dinner playing table games, especially Gary & Wheels. Anita & Janet started their own game of dominoes after dinner on Saturday. This rally was special for a lot of reasons. We were delighted that Roger & Janet were able to make this rally. We hadn’t seen them in a while. This was the first SNU rally for Gene & Kathy. Claudia, who had found out about the rally and the SNU by searching the internet, not only joined us for the rally, she has become the newest member of the SNU. Other new members, Kevin & Sherri came out for a visit on Friday. I’m sure will we see Gene & Kathy, Claudia, and Kevin & Sherri at more rallies in the future. Randy and Vicki also visited on Friday. Randy did a presentation on the SNU 40th Anniversary rally in September at Lassen RV Resort. This is definitely going to be a special rally with a few surprises thrown in. Mornings were very nice for sitting outside enjoying coffee and treats. When it started getting hot, we could either retreat to our trailers or head for the nice cool club house were we could visit, read, or just relax. The SNU photo albums were put out and some people enjoyed going through them and remembering all the great rallies and other SNU adventures. We took the opportunity of this rally to get started on membership renewals for 2017. Everyone either renewed at the rally or is doing so online when they get home. As usual, there was a lot of discussion about Airstream related topics and plans for SNU future activities. The only maintenance issue we dealt with at this rally was Gene & Kathy’s hot water and that was quickly resolved. We also enjoyed hearing some of Claudia’s adventures like her hiking trip to Peru and a kayak trip in Greenland. Sunday everyone headed home. Check out Dyann’s nice little blurb about the rally on the SNU Facebook page. With a nice location, great park managers, nice trees, and plenty of space, we’ll definitely be back at Weed Heights next year.
We couldn’t have asked for a better weekend for our 10th rally at Obsidian Dome. We planned on trying a new spot for our gatherings and it worked out great! Instead of being close to the road, we were back by the dome under some big pine trees. Wheels and Doris arrived first and they had our “living room” all set up. It was nice and cool under the trees and great being farther from the road and the dust. Doris kept asking why we hadn’t set up here before. I guess we just didn’t think of it or there were more bushes back there in the past. This was Claudia’s first Obsidian rally and by coincidence she just happened to end up behind the Thornburg’s and Leipper’s just north of Lee Vining. She decided to follow and see where we turned off. Claudia figured right and ended up following us to the rally site. Friday, after fixing a few plumbing leaks, Rick joined us at the rally. This weekend was a full moon. One of the special treats at Obsidian is when the full moon hits the obsidian rocks on the side of the dome. The whole hill twinkles like there are little lights all over it. Amazing. Saturday, Rick took a few of us on a tour of some potential future rally sites. Sawmill turned out to be a little tight, especially for larger rigs, but the road there was very good. It’s a beautiful spot. The panoramic views from the road up were spectacular. We also checked out Hartley Springs which is close to Obsidian. It has designated campsites. Although the road does have some challenges we all felt it was doable so we are planning a rally there in 2017. Saturday Don and Gail arrived. Don had been providing ham radio support for the off road race out of Ruth, NV. They were on their way home. Thursday we had a sandwich and salad dinner. Dyann brought some melons fresh from the Fallon farms. The melons were a delicious addition to our dinners. Saturday’s dinner turned out to be a Mexican buffet. Totally unplanned, we had beans, chili, enchiladas and all the fixin’s. As always with SNU dinners, it was excellent. The other main rally activity was hashing out the 2017 SNU rally schedule. Other than a few changes, it looks like the schedule is pretty well set. Changes include a new restaurant in Gardnerville for our February lunch and a new rally site for the September rally. The restaurant was suggested by Doris who highly recommends it. Check out the schedule in this newsletter. Don and Gail are still planning on hosting an SNU rally in Death Valley this year. The actual date and place aren’t set yet. If you are interested, contact the SNU and work with Don to finalize plans. With another great Obsidian rally now in the memory books, we are all looking forward with excitement and anticipation to the very special SNU 40th Anniversary rally at Lassen RV Resort in September.
By all accounts the 40th anniversary SNU rally at the Lassen RV Resort was a resounding success. It was such a success that during the rally there was a strong desire to return there next year which almost rose to the level of a demand. Consequently, a rally has been scheduled for September of next year at the Lassen RV Resort. Planning has already started for that rally. There is talk of possibly adding in movies this next time.
The Resort has a nice screened building where many of the festivities took place and in which the various displays were set up. Vicki provided a Wizard of Oz theme with a Tin Man display. Randy constructed a model Airstream which he displayed along with a tow vehicle. He explained that it is not a finished product. He is working on perfecting the fabrication of the four compound curved corners and there are many enhancements that will be added over time. Also on display was the ever so popular Diorama. Diane had a display of numerous memorabilia as well as an Airstream cooler which was about the same size as the one Randy built at 1/6 scale. Vicki added the final touches to the screened building with various decorations. Of course the Thing (aka Monstrosity) was also on display outside. Wheels has to be given credit for someone finally coming up with a new and better name by which it will be called from now on which is the “Lighted Wonder” or just the “Wonder” for short. Phil and Jasmin, the Resort owners and managers, put up two Airstream rally banners, one of which they graciously gave to the SNU. Phil & Jasmin also provided a pink flamingo planter to help decorate the table and Jasmin handed out pink flamingo pens to everyone when they arrived.
The food at this rally was fabulous. Phil and Jasmin provided two catered meals which were outstanding. One was lunch on Friday in their Bistro restaurant and the other was a buffet style dinner Saturday evening in the screened building. Randy served his nationally famous waffles Saturday morning in the Bistro restaurant. Phil and Jasmin provided the use of their commercial kitchen for this and used their grill to prepare sausages and bacon. Members brought various waffle toppings in addition to those provided by Phil and Jasmin. The SNU had one of its typical pot lucks Friday evening in the screened building. We finished the potluck with an anniversary cake which Diane brought.
Saturday afternoon we visited the Ft Crook Museum in Fall River Mills. We were first given an historical presentation and then given a tour of the various Museum buildings.
We had 11 rigs at the rally. The attendees were Gene and Carmen, Randy and Vicki, Gary and Anita, Roman and Melissa, Melissa’s niece Danielle, Eric and Terry, Diane and Bryan, Jerry and Dyann, Gene and Kathy, Roylaine and Jim, Wheels and Doris and Bob and Cecelia. Roman and Melissa brought their Forrest River Aviator trailer which was of great interest to many people. Randy’s and Vicki’s friends Bob and Charlotte Hemphill who live in the area attended some of the festivities. The weather cooperated quite well. It was a little cool and windy during the day on Friday when we had our luncheon indoors. The temperature eventually warmed a little and the wind died down so that we were able to have our potluck outdoors in the screened building that evening. The weather was warm and perfect on Saturday which nicely allowed for the buffet in the screened building that evening.
Saturday evening was the grand finale of the rally. After the fantastic buffet the SNU presented Phil and Jasmin with a thank you card and gift as tokens of appreciation for all the wonderful things they did for us with the help of their friends and relatives. Randy and Vicki were presented with a throw blanket inscribed with recognition of their hosting the 30th, 35th, and 40th SNU anniversary events. After that Vicki provided each of the ladies with a ruby necklace and each of the men with a bottle of sparkling cider. Vicki had made the necklaces herself.
As each of us packed up to leave Sunday morning after having such a wonderful time we looked froward to returning next year. Some members plan on visiting the Resort by themselves before the next rally there.
We are happy that everyone found their way to the Emerald City (Lassen RV Resort). We all enjoyed the 40th anniversary rally very much. We would like to thank everyone for the beautiful gift and recognition we received from all of you. You are all very special to us and should also be recognized. As Jerry said "It's the Airstreams that bring us together but it's the people who keep us together." We might add that you are the glue of the SNU and that is why we stick to you. Thank you to all SNU members.
Happy Campers, Randy and VickiWe couldn’t have asked for a more perfect fall weekend for the last official SNU rally for 2016. The weather was mild with almost no wind and the trees glimmered gold in the sunlight. We had five rigs at the rally – Jerry & Dyann, Wheels & Doris, Bryan & Diane, Gene & Carmen and Fred and Wanda. Fred and Wanda are new SNU members and although they have a long camping history, this was their first outing with their 1972 Sovereign. It was a great shakedown trip for them. They learned a lot about the idiosyncrasies and quirks of their Airstream. There was a lot of expertise at the rally and both Fred and Wanda got an earful of helpful information and tips as well as some hands on assistance. One project Fred got done at the rally was to put his WBCCI membership numbers on his Airstream. We’ve always suggested to new Airstream owners, whether it is a new trailer or older one, to get out and use it and in particular attend rallies, before you do much to it. You will have an opportunity to see what others have done and hear their stories of what works and why. Also after spending some time in your trailer you will have a much better feel for how you want to use it and what you need to do to make it fit your own style of camping. Fred and Wanda went home with a long list of projects and ideas. Although it is basically in good shape for its age, it will be interesting to see that Airstream develop over time. Fred is also a ham (Wanda says he always has been). His call sign is KF7QVB. With the inclusion of Fred, every man at this rally and one woman hold a ham radio license. We spent most of the weekend just relaxing, enjoying the scenery and morning campfires, taking a few short walks and of course enjoying great dinners. Gene and Carmen took a nice long hike on the trails near the river. Bryan made some revisions and upgrades to the SNU rally WiFi site, in particular the process by which rally participants can upload and view photos. We also enjoyed some serenades by the local coyotes. Saturday was Doris’s daughter’s birthday. Although her daughter wasn’t at the rally, Doris made a chocolate cake and we all sang happy birthday to her. On Saturday, Gary & Anita came out for a visit. Later that day, Gene H. stopped by. Gene saw the PSA about the Lassen rally in the Carson Appeal and called us. He is looking to buy an Airstream and needed some information and resources. Apparently one of Gene’s passions is mules and he is a regular participant and attendee at Mule Days in Bishop. One thing he needs to figure out is how to tow both a trailer and a horse trailer in tandem. Gene got a lot of information from the rally participants and he was able to take a look inside some Airstreams to get a better idea of they are all about. One of these days hopefully, he will be at an SNU rally with an Airstream. After this weekend, most of us will be winterizing our rigs, doing some maintenance chores and looking forward to another great rally year in 2017.
We had a great turnout for our November lunch at the Plaza. Once again, Randy & Vicki did an outstanding job of hosting this event. They had a beautiful display table set up which included the latest additions to their SNU decorations. Randy & Vicki found some beautiful silver colored letters in a local store that make a perfect table decoration. Ruby anchored the other end of the table. Ruby is the Airstream Randy built for the SNU Anniversary Rally. The welcome sign was given to us by Phil & Jasmin. Randy asked a local store about a frame and they said there was no such thing. So Randy got busy and built one. It’s great! It is easily taken apart so it will travel well which will make it a feature at future SNU events. SNU members enjoying all the decorations as well as the great food were Roger & Janet, Jerry & Dyann, Gary & Anita, Diane, Fred & Wanda, Eric & Terry, and of course, Randy & Vicki. We also had some guests. Allison and Spencer are looking for an older Airstream to renovate. They got some good ideas and information at the lunch and maybe one of these days, we will welcome them to a lunch or rally as new Airstream owners. One little item of business discussed at this lunch was whether we should be in the front or the back of Lassen RV Park, for our 2017 rally. We decided on the back. Other than that, we just enjoyed visiting, sharing ideas and eating a delicious lunch. The Plaza makes a great venue for SNU lunches. I’m sure it will be a frequent location for future lunches.
Our December luncheon, hosted by Brian & Jeni Root was the perfect way to wrap up 2016 and the SNU’s 40th Anniversary year. Even the weather cooperated. The SNU members and friends who helped celebrate and enjoy this luncheon included Gary & Anita, Jerry & Dyann, Eric & Terry, Diane, Wheels & Doris, Randy & Vicki, Fred and of course, Brian, Jeni, Sidney, Nick & Erika Root. We were delighted to have Eric’s Mom Penny, Jeni’s friend Jami, Sidney’s friend Jade and the Root’s neighbor John join us for the luncheon. Jami came to help Jeni out with the lunch. Jade was also helping out with the lunch. Brian & Jeni had noticed that John had an Airstream so they invited him to the lunch. John has a 1960’s era Globetrotter that he is in the process of restoring. He picked up a lot of tips and information from Jerry and other SNU members. Fred, who will be taking his 1972 Sovereign to Sierra Trailer Restoration in the spring, had a chance to talk with Jeni about their experiences. Brian & Jeni’s 1954 Cruiser was restored about two years ago by the same company. Pink flamingos and Airstreams were in evidence everywhere from decorations to the table cloth to the very special treats Jeni made for dessert. Jeni had a cute little Airstream sitting on the front porch. Diane brought her unique Christmas Airstream that has blinking lights on the tree and plays a variety of Christmas carols. Jeni made lasagna and it was accompanied by a wonderful salad with a choice of dressings and warm bread with various pesto sauces to spread on it. Everything was excellent. And then there was dessert! Jeni had found an Airstream shape cookie cutter. She cut out windows and doors. Then she crushed Jolly Rancher and Life Saver candies and sprinkled them into the windows and doors. The candy melted when the cookies were baked and the result was beautiful colored windows which look really neat when lit from the back. Jeni had also made some flamingo and some Christmas tree cookies. Jami arranged the cookies on a platter that perfectly represented an SNU rally. Airstreams with trees in the back and flamingos in front. Jeni had gotten some special gifts so after we finished lunch Jeni, with assistance from daughter Sidney, had a drawing. Doris got one of the gifts. It was a pink flamingo table cloth. I am sure we will see that often at SNU rallies. The next drawing was Terry. She got some pink flamingo table cloth weights which I’m sure she will find very handy. The last drawing went to Eric’s Mom, Penny. She received a tea towel with a pink flamingo on it and the caption, “Be a flamingo in in flock of pigeons”. Jeni couldn’t have picked more appropriate gifts. Doris, Terry and Penny were delighted with their new flamingos. Jeni also gave the luncheon participants a sample of her Practically Perfect canning efforts. Yummy apple, plum or other jellies. The perfect ending to a great year for the SNU and a perfect Holiday Luncheon. Thank you Brian and Jeni.
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