-|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Highlights and Achievements – Quick Summary

This article was originally published in the September 2016 SNU newsletter

Since 2003, I (Diane Leipper #772) have put together an annual list of SNU Highlights and Achievements. It is a lot of fun going through those lists and remembering how far the SNU has come since it re-grouped in 2002, the great things we have done and the successes we have enjoyed. Here are some excerpts from those lists.

2003- Scheduled rallies for weekends and close enough to encourage working stiffs with families to attend. Restructured the organization to better reflect the size and style of the group.

2004 - Increased the number of rallies to six for the year. Wrote a letter and sent promotional materials to all RV dealers within our territory and to all major news outlets.

2005 - We began a partnership with the new Nevada Airstream Dealer. Participated in their Kick-Off event, requested and received support for the Unit newsletter from this dealer and received a donation for the Unit 30th Anniversary celebration. The dealer also brought new Airstreams to two different SNU rallies which gave rally participants an opportunity to check them out

2006 - We celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a special luncheon in February. The highlight was a diorama of an SNU rally created by SNU members, Randy & Vicki. This diorama was also displayed at the WBCCI International Rally in Salem OR. The SNU has increased it's use of current technologies to encourage participation from all members. We have initiated systems to pay dues and rally fees on-line, we utilized an on-line voting system to gain input in the development of the rally schedule and we utilized on-line voting for various policy issues such as the proposed WBCCI name change.

2007 - SNU membership continued to grow. The Unit gained 10 new members in 2007 and ended the year with a total of 29 members. The task of getting public service announcements in local media changed hands and the SNU's new media relations person has begun getting the rallies posted in the on-line Reno Gazette calendar of events complete with pictures. He has also begun establishing relationship with key people in several media outlets.

2008 - The first SNU supported Death Valley rally was held in November of 2008. The rally included a guest from the Four Corners Unit. SNU members continue seeking out other Airstream owners, telling them about the SNU and asking about their Airstream experiences. Guests and visitors are always welcome at our rallies and meetings. The SNU had guests at several rallies in 2008. Two potential members participated in the Pyramid Lake rally. Airstreamers from the Sacramento area participated in the rally at Portola. Potential members from Gardnerville participated in the Sweetwater rally. Members from the Monterey Bay California Unit participated in the Obsidian Dome rally and members from the Golden West Unit stopped for a day visit at Obsidian.

2009 - Fun is a standard part of any SNU activity. To ensure we were properly attired, Melissa set up an SNU account on CafePress so we could order t-shirts and other SNU logo items. We got SNU aprons to wear while volunteering at the Airshow. We even got a special Red Neck President Apron, for Jerry. Other activities included a crockpot potluck at our Weed Heights rally, waffle breakfast at Petersen Ranch, popcorn cooked over the campfire at Obsidian, and a roast cooked over a spit on the campfire at Mason Valley. We added a few new pink flamingos to the flock including some neat pink flamingo candles that Jeni had been saving just for a rally. We admired Doris's special pink umbrella that goes along with the flamingos. Doris also treated us to a serenade with her guitar at Obsidian. Dyann, who prefers trees at the rally site, was given an inflatable palm tree along with a glittery hanging palm tree to provide her shade at rally sites with no trees. Wheels got some nice SNU stickers printed that we can put on our Airstreams. Bryan and Jerry don't let a little snow interrupt their morning coffee as demonstrated at Boca in April. Randy and Vicki updated and added to the SNU diorama which was on display at the Airshow

2010 - The SNU was featured on the October issue of the WBCCI member magazine. The pictures used on the cover were taken by various SNU members at several different rallies. Two SNU members participated in WBCCI Caravans. For one, it was their first Caravan.

2011 - The SNU held a special rally at Campground by the Lake in South Lake Tahoe to commemorate it's 35th Anniversary. Rally participants enjoyed a very informative tour of the Lake Tahoe Heritage museum as well as visiting other Lake Tahoe attractions on their own. The highlight was the 3 hour dinner cruise on the M.S. Dixie.

2012 - A highlight of 2012 was the rally in Fallon at the Cantaloupe Festival. Eight SNU members attended. In addition to enjoying the Festival and the Junior Rodeo, SNU members Dean and Shelly Fischer had a special pink flamingo first birthday party for their granddaughter, Jessilynn.

2013 - Two new options were added to the SNU communications network. Rick LaBorde set up a facebook page for the SNU. Don Williams set up the SNU rallies and lunches on the Region 12 Master Calendar. The SNU always welcomes fellow Airstreamers and potential Airstreamers to our rallies. In 2013 we had guests at Obsidian, Rocky Point, Ft Sage, and Green Creek. Most were from other WBCCI Units including The New England Unit, Long Beach, San Fernando Valley, NorCal and El Camino

2014 - Rally highlights for 2014 included: March at Lahontan – corned beef & cabbage dinner April at Boca Rest – Randy's first kite flying experiment, May at Rocky Point – A Civil Air Patrol plane took a photo of the rally from the air June at Sweetwater– This was the 3rd SNU field day rally. Bryan made several contacts on his mobile ham station, Jerry tested out his new propane oven July at Weed Heights – trips to town & visits to the museum, August at Obsidian – special Friday and Saturday breakfasts including quiches & Randy's waffles, celebrated Bobbi's birthday September at Crocker – a wet weekend provided an opportunity to deal with drizzle & rain also a visit from Shelly & Jessilynn, October at Ft Churchill – beautiful fall weather, hikes to the river, the ruins of the fort and the museum.

2015- The SNU held rallies in three new locations and luncheons at two new places in 2015. Rally Sites - Prosser Family Campground, Lassen RV Park, and Glass Creek Campground. Luncheon venues – Shang Hai & the Plaza Hotel. The SNU had 40 members in 2015. This was the highest membership total since at least 1995. In addition to the 40 full members, the SNU had 4 affiliate members.

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