Sierra Nevada AirstreamsSierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Achievements & Highlights of Sierra Nevada Unit in 2017

The Sierra Nevada Unit looks to the founding principles of it's parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club, International to provide the foundation of the Unit. These principles guide the SNU in it's activities and it's management.

The Wally Byam Creed -|- Wally Byam Code of Ethics -|- Wally Byam's Four Freedoms

In our unit:

Rally highlights for 2017 included: March at Lahontan – Pizza dinner and watching the water in the reservoir rise. April at Ft Sage – KFC dinner and new solar lights, May at Eagle Lake – visits from friends and family July at Weed Heights –Jerry’s Nevada surf & turf dinner, root beer floats and ice cream in a bag August at Green Creek – Guests from CA, stop at Jolly Cone on the way home September at Lassen RV Resort – Hawaiian theme, the SNU members all decked out, local history presentation October at Boca – foggy mornings, campfires, s’mores and Eric’s pizza.
A special treat this year were concerts by Russell. The first was at the Eagle Lake rally and the second was at Lassen RV Resort. Doris joined in for some of the concerts at Lassen.
The rally at Eagle Lake included a fantastic Mexican theme dinner. The highlight was skirt steak tacos, fresh salsa and guacamole made by Eric and Terry. Table decorations included a pinata which was first used at a SNU dinner at Boca Springs in 2005
In February, we tried a new restaurant for our luncheon. Wheels and Doris hosted the lunch at El Aguila Real in Gardnerville. We finished the year with a luncheon at J.T.’s Basque restaurant also in Garnerville. This was the third Holiday luncheon the SNU has held in this location
The SNU gained six new members in 2017. Several of these members participated in SNU rallies and luncheons this year including the rally at Lassen and lunch at El Aguila.
The SNU promotional efforts continue to be effective in getting the word out about the SNU. The Carson Appeal does a great job in publishing the public service announcements submitted monthly by Randy. The website also continues to be an asset to the SNU. The website generated contact from several people interested in various aspects of Airstreaming and the SNU.
The SNU FaceBook page is proving to be a good way to promote the SNU. The page now has 61 members, about half are not current SNU members but seem to have an interest in SNU activities.
The SNU always welcomes fellow Airstreamers and potential Airstreamers to our rallies. In 2017 we had guests at Ft Sage, Eagle Lake and Green Creek.
SNU members and affiliates participated in other WBCCI activities including: The WBCCI International Rally and the Region 12 Rally

During the past forty years, the Sierra Nevada Unit has seen a lot of changes, experienced a lot of ups and downs, tried many new things, included many new members and held rallies in many different locations. Through it all, the SNU has kept in mind the founding principles expressed by Wally Byam in his Creed and Four Freedoms. One of which is “To encourage clubs and rallies that provide an endless source of friendships, travel fun, and personal expression.

It all starts at the bottom between you and your local unit. Make it work for you. Get involved, share the fun, build on the history and create new memories.

Sierra Nevada Airstreams home page -|- Destinations -|- Memories -|- Owner's Guide -|- WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit home page -|- Community -|- Zephyrs weblog for the RV enthusiast -|- Commerce -|- Whispers weblog of touchy subjects -|- Our tip jar- support this website

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