The Sierra Nevada Unit looks to the founding principles of it's parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club, International to provide the foundation of the Unit. These principles guide the SNU in it's activities and it's management.
The Wally Byam Creed -|- Wally Byam Code of Ethics -|- Wally Byam's Four Freedoms
We held rallies in Two new locations, Rocky Point at Eagle Lake and Crocker Campground at Beckworth.
Average attendance at rallies was 6 Airstreams. Two members attended their first rally in 2010.
Guests and visitors are always welcome at our rallies and meetings. In 2010 we had guests at several rallies. 1 at Rocky Point, 1 at Obsidian, 1 at Death Valley and 1 at Crocker. We also had three at our January lunch and two guests at our February luncheon. Guests included members of the Oregon Unit, Members of NorCal, members of the San Diego Unit, and several potential SNU members. Guests also included friends and relatives. Dyann's sister, Jerry & Dyann's grandkids, Gene and Carmen's kids, grandkids, and other family members and Don and Gail's friend.
The SNU had an elected delegate at the WBCCI International Rally who was also a first time attendee for an International rally. Another SNU member attending the rally was elected 2nd Vice President of the WBCCI Amateur Radio intra-club
SNU members also participated in rallies sponsored by other WBCCI Units and Region 12. These included rallies of the Four Corners Unit, the Region 12 Hobo Rally, and the Region 12 rally in Hemet.
Two SNU members participated in WBCCI Caravans. For one, it was their first Caravan.
The SNU was featured on the October issue of the WBCCI member magazine. The pictures used on the cover were taken by various SNU members at several different rallies.
One of Wally Byam's Four Freedoms is the freedom for fun. Fun is always a part of an SNU event. It may be informal and small or it may be a planned activity. Several of the fun things we did related to food. For the first time in 2010 we had a special omelets in a bag breakfast at our March rally. We had a formal dinner celebrating our 5th year at Unionville complete with a white table cloth, candelabra, and sparkling cider. We had chicken cacciatore cooked in a cast iron pot over the campfire and ice cream for dessert to celebrate our 5th year at Obsidian Dome. Other fun things had to do with weather and exercising our creativity and flexibility to deal with adverse weather conditions at rallies. The most fun of all is just being out with your Airstream swapping stories, sharing ideas, and just enjoying the company of other SNU members.
Public service announcements, the newsletter, and the website continue to be the primary communication tools of the SNU. The newsletter continues to receive rave reviews for content as well as style. The website has been instrumental in providing information and encouraging participation in rallies and other SNU activities.
We hope that we can convince others to join us and help us enjoy our Airstream experience. We can all have more fun together in our local unit, I think. Perhaps some of these efforts might catch on and help the WBCCI gain vitality and energy. Who knows? Join the revolution. It all starts at the bottom between you and your local unit. Make it work for you.
“It's the Airstreams that bring us together but it's the people who keep us together” - Jerry Thornburg (2797) describing the SNU
"The WBCCI is an exclusive club because not everyone owns an Airstream! The idea is to get out and have fun with your RV - with friends who share common interests." - Bryan R. Leipper (772)
“The formula that the leadership in our unit uses comes straight from Wally and his creed which they have adopted as the primary focus of the group. It also comes by their determination to be inclusive with respect to the members, open to new ideas and by providing opportunities for everyone to participate in the way that best suits them.” - Former SNU member
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