Sierra Nevada AirstreamsSierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

In recognition

The Sierra Nevada Unit is celebrating it's 30th Anniversary primarily because of the dedication of its membership. Among those who have assisted the Unit during the past thirty years are the following people.

All of those members who have chosen to support the unit by holding elected office, including the past presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and directors. Also, all those members who over the years have volunteered their time and talents to host rallies, plan and lead a caravan, publish newsletters, schedule rallies, and all the other tasks needed to support a WBCCI Airstream Unit.

Steve and Frank Burnham – Charter and long time members of the SNU. They held the Unit together during some lean years. Most of the historical documents from the 1990's are still a part of the Unit archives thanks to the Burnham's. Steve and Frank were also active in other WBCCI events, often attending international rallies and volunteering for various duties and committees.

Marge and Dale Grosch - The Grosch's have been members of WBCCI for 31 years. They joined the SNU after moving to Carson City from California. Along with the Burnham's, the Grosch's were instrumental in supporting the Unit during times of change. Marge and Dale are also active in the WBCCI international rallies. They will be volunteering again in 2006 at the rally in Salem, OR.

Fred and Ann Hersey - Fred became President of the SNU at a time of transition. He brought new ideas and new energy to the Unit. Through his efforts the SNU began a new period in it's history with a focus on the original ideas of an Airstream club and a new view towards the needs of the members. Before Fred became President he did the newsletter. He designed the format for the header and the address block which Don still uses to this day. Fred also used extra copies of the newsletter to give to Airstream owners he noticed in driving around the valley. Ann took on the primary duty of getting PSA's about SNU rallies printed in the majority of local newsletters. Ann's efforts have paid off in several new members, increased awareness of the SNU, an editorial column in the primary Carson City newspaper and a feature article in the primary Reno newspaper.

Don and MaryLou Damoth - Don has been the Unit newsletter chair for five years now. When the SNU went through a transition period the members felt the two basic things that the Unit should focus on was holding rallies and publishing a newsletter. Don has given us a product we can all be proud of. With assistance from MaryLou, the newsletter has been printed and mailed from wherever they happen to be during their travels. Don and MaryLou also hand out copies of the newsletter to Airstreamers they meet during their travels.

The Leipper Family (Virginia and Dale, Bryan, Diane) - After moving from California, Dale and Virginia Leipper joined the SNU. Coming from a strong Unit with a full rally schedule, Dale and Virginia were instrumental in encouraging the SNU to plan and hold more rallies and other outdoor activities. Diane writes the material for the newsletter, and organizes the rally schedule. Bryan has spent many hours in designing and maintaining the web site, probably one of the best WBCCI sites on the web and viewed by people from all over the world. He has set up a system which allows SNU members to register and pay for membership and rallies online. Bryan was instrumental in rewriting the SNU bylaws to allow us to continue the unit with a smaller number of officers than the old bylaws allowed.

Mylan and Eloise Wight - Long time associate members of the SNU, the Wight's are also active in the NorCal Unit as well as at the region and international levels. Their specialty is caravans. They have written several pieces related to caravan planning and implementation and have done presentations at intentional rallies. Several years ago Mylan developed a proposed Nevada Caravan for the SNU. We hope that one day soon we can make that caravan a reality.

Wight publications: Caravans 1 -|- Carvans 2 -|- Caravan Medical list -|- SNU Proposed Caravan

Special Thanks

To Randy and Vicki Grossmann

For taking the lead on the planning for this luncheon. The Grossmann's checked out several facilities in the Carson City area. After visiting Silver Oak they proposed this site to the Unit. Vicki took on the task of creating the spectacular decorations for our Anniversary cake and working with the baker at Alberston's to make her vision a reality. Randy and Vicki made all the arrangements and kept in contact with Terrie at Silver Oak to make sure everything was in place for our luncheon.

The membership of the SNU past and present.

The membership determines the direction and the focus of the Unit. They are the reason the Unit exists. The past members set the standards and began establishing the traditions of the SNU. Those who have joined the SNU in the last three years have been instrumental in leading the Unit into the future. They are the stewards of the Unit's past and the motivation for the SNU to change and adapt to meet the current and future needs of the membership.

Sierra Nevada Airstreams home page -|- Destinations -|- Memories -|- Owner's Guide -|- Commerce -|- WBCCI Sierra Nevada Unit home page -|- SNUZE -|- Our tip jar – support our site

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