-|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

The Rally Puzzle

This article was originally published in the November 2016 SNU newsletter

Creating the SNU annual rally schedule is a lot like putting a puzzle together. We have our basic pieces that are easy to consider. Then there are all the other little pieces that need to fit somewhere. Although the SNU has always been open to trying just about any type of site (and we have), the underlying consideration is that the SNU prefers dry camping dispersed sites. The basic pieces are that we hold eight scheduled rallies each year. In cooler months in the spring and fall, we choose a lower elevation. In the hotter months we try to schedule rallies at higher elevations, preferably with trees. Of course, the biggest piece of the puzzle is to choose rally sites that SNU members prefer.

After those things are considered then we need to keep in mind holidays and other events. For instance, except in special circumstances, we don’t schedule rallies on holiday weekends like Memorial Day, Independence Day or Thanksgiving. We try to consider local events like A Night in the Country Music Festival or the Reno Air Races. We also keep in mind WBCCI and Regional activities. After those considerations, a few more pieces are now in place.

Other puzzle pieces include geographic location, travel distance, accessibility, amenities, and availability. Keeping in mind working people and families, we try to keep the travel distance to rallies within a one hundred mile radius of Reno. That makes it easier for people to come to the rally for one or two days, or just a visit if they can’t make the whole three day event. Since the SNU has members in both Southern and Northern California as well as all over Nevada, we try to hold at least one rally a year as far south as possible and as far north as possible as well as in various locations in Northern Nevada and the Eastern Sierras. Being able to get to the rally site is another piece of the puzzle. Sites need to be accessible to the types of Airstreams, tow vehicles and keep in mind the driving and camping experience of the majority of our members. It is interesting to note that the best attended SNU rallies have all been the farthest distance and least accessible rally sites. Amenities for the SNU are a little different from the average rally site. What we’re looking for are sites that have trees for shade, minimal bugs, great scenery, room to move around and as a former member said, park in a hap-hazard parallel manner. We like rally sites with access to nice walking and hiking areas. Having decent satellite and cell access is a bonus as is having a parking area that requires minimal leveling. For a variety of reasons, the SNU prefers sites that don’t require advance reservations, in particular, campgrounds with individual sites.

One of the features of SNU rallies is that everyone is welcome even if you decided at the last minute to come. With our preferred rally sites we always have room and no advance payment or planning is needed. That is not possible with individual reserved sites. Reserved group sites are an option but there are drawback to that as well. The SNU has held rallies in reserved site locations but with few exceptions, those are not our first choice. The two RV parks that we have begun to frequent do require advance notice but they are both flexible, easy to work with and can accommodate last minute arrivals. We have also held rallies in campgrounds where site availability is on a first come basis. That can get a little tricky as we might be spread throughout the campground or there might not be enough available sites. Time of the year is critical to whether or not these campgrounds would be a good rally site.

The SNU is always open to new ideas and new places. Where we go and what we do is up to you – the SNU members. Scout out new places, share your ideas and suggestions, help plan and host a rally. Many SNU members have done just that. Their efforts have given the SNU some great rallies. Examples include: Randy & Vicki with Campground by the Lake and Lassen RV Resort, Jerry & Dyann with the Cantaloupe Festival rallies, Walker River Resort & Unionville, Wheels & Doris with the Lyon County Airs show and Green Creek, Rick and Jeanne with Obsidian Dome and Glass Creek, Bryan, Diane & Anita with the Portola Railroad Museum, Rocky Point, Crocker, Hickison Petroglyph, and Boca Springs and Don and Gail with Mesquite Springs. There is a comprehensive collection of things related to SNU rallies on the website. It includes an overview of all SNU rally sites, their location and the rallies the SNU has held at that site. There are a variety of rally planning documents and other pieces related to rallies. Take a look, share your ideas and suggestions about rally sites and activities.

Like a good puzzle, when all the pieces come together you can sit back and enjoy the results. It’s the same with rallies. It’s all about getting out in your Airstream and being with your Airstream friends enjoying a beautiful site and creating memories. As Wally Byam said in his creed, “To open a whole world of new experiences . . .a new dimension in enjoyment where travel adventure and good fellowship are your constant companions.”

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