Member Travels

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Wheels & Doris Wheeler - The picture was taken on the 24th of May on our way to the Air Force Academy to watch the graduation of one of the Cadets that had been a cadet in our Civil Air Patrol Squadron at Minden.

Don Williams & his friend John Hudec - Arrived at the start of the Alaskan Highway, Dawson Creek, BC, Canada Saturday, July 2nd. Will be in Alaska tomorrow evening or Wednesday. Rode in several hours rain and cold on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Cold today but no rain, looks to be warmer tomorrow. They completed the Alaskan Highway on Wednesday, July 3rd, crossing the 1422nd mile in Cedar Junction, AK. The two will spend most of July Alaska and Canada. Don will return to California in time for the Obsidian Dome Rally.

Bryan & Diane Leipper - We drove up to Baker City, OR for a special Rally commemorating Wally Byam's 115th Birthday. Wally was born in Baker City. The rally was hosted by the Oregon Unit. It also included the opening of the Wally Byam exhibit in the Baker Heritage Museum. On the way home we toured some of the remote areas of Central Oregon and Northern Nevada.

Ed & Paula Poll - We had a great time at the Wally Byam Birthday Rally in Baker City and are so glad we went. After leaving Baker City we went to Ogden on the way to Ft. Collins.  We had brake controller issues across I-80 in Wyoming so looked for a repair person in Ft. Collins that Uwe knows. We had thunderstorms everyday there and continue as we moved south to Colorado Springs. We have 3 nights here before going to OK City. I hope we don't get hail. I miss our western US already.I think the continental divide is as far east as we need to go. To follow Ed and Paula's travels check these links. or

Gordon & Susan Barber - Susan and I have not traveled with the Airstream since returning to Michigan at Christmas. We are now about to travel again. This time with our daughter Beth and grandson Noah. We are leaving Michigan July 6 and going north through upper Michigan on our way to Minneapolis for a short visit with old friends and Susan's Aunt (90) and cousins. We then head northwest through the Dakotas to Glacier National Park with a few interesting stops along the way. From Glacier we plan head to Reno and maybe stop at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge. If the timing is right maybe we will meet up at the Hickison Petroglyph Rally.

Note from Bruce Rymes

Hello, Diane and Friends:

Kathy and I just recently returned from our flight to So. Calif. We visited Family, and attended the Int’l. Cessna 170 Ass’n. Annual Convention in San Diego, where we met lots of old flying friends and spent the week enjoying lots of great activities.  Touring the U.S.S. Midway Aircraft Carrier was really stirring... all of the docents and volunteers exemplified true pride and enthusiasm, and we came away with the same spirit.  After the aircraft judging was over, we were awarded our second “Best Original 170B” Award. With all the well-loved 170’s there, we were humbled and proud to get such a vote. Gotta keep polishing!

We took the opportunity of being in the Big City to visit an Airstream dealer in Irvine and actually try on a new 19’ Bambi Flying Cloud. They sure do a nice job on those trailers...

We have many plans for the immediate future, which wouldn’t even allow much time to enjoy our trailer, so we may wait just a bit. Unless that is, a truly great deal comes our way! We’ll plan to try to rendezvous with you again soon, and thank you for the very nice write-up about my visit to Sweetwater Summit! I sure enjoyed it too.

Bruce (and Kathy) Rhymes

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