My Mom, Virginia Leipper WBCCI #1183, was the Kaper Chart Queen. She was always an organized person and defining duties and responsibilities was just part of who she was. Growing up I remember kaper charts and although they weren't a dominate part of our life, I came to hate anything related to them. It seems Mom's 30 plus years in Girl Scouting played a role in her use of kaper charts. I recently ran across a picture of a troop leader with a kaper chart in an old Girl Scout book of Mom's. During my parent's 20 plus years as members of the Monterey Bay CA Unit, Mom's organizational skills proved very useful. Kaper charts also made their appearance. A good example is the one shown here from a rally at Hat Creek. I will say that the MBCU was a great example of how to be organized without being oppressive and restricting. It was and I'm sure it still is, a great Unit.
Well, I guess good and bad, I have inherited some of my Mother's organizational skills. They have proven beneficial in numerous ways. An exception was one year when I knew we were going to have a lot of first time participants at a rally. I decided a bulletin board listing activities would be helpful. It was just an informal partial list to give people an idea of what to expect. This almost caused an uprising in our Unit. There was concern we were headed towards more formality and structure. To this day, four years later, I still hear about that bulletin board. In fact that same year when we held our 30th Anniversary luncheon, that bulletin board was memorialized in a unique diorama of our rallies.
So nowadays our Unit takes a more indirect approach to letting people know what to expect at a rally. We have a one page document that is part of the materials we send to all potential and new members. That page is on our website and a link to it is provided on every rally page as well as in other places. We often carry copies so that if someone new shows up at a rally we can hand it to them. All in all a very workable system and most important, it has quieted any concerns that our Unit might get too regimented and fall into the kaper chart black hole.
Click on images for larger view
Hat Creek kaper chart |
Girl Scout handbook |
Unionville white board |
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