Again I am waiting until the last minute to write this. The rally at Ramhorn was nice. Also a very good showing for Ford. I think we scared the Dodge off. Coming in June is the Unionville rally; sorry to say at this time I cannot take my trailer to this one due to a work commitment. I will try and be out on Saturday morning for the brunch.
On Friday, Dyann and I left the rally for a ride into Susanville. On the way we found two older Airstreams out in some fields, one close to the campsite and one closer into town. Anita told us about a little meat counter in the Heald market on the road into town, so we stopped and checked it out. We were able to purchase a nice roast which we broiled for one of the potlucks. No one died or got sick so it must have not been too bad. The campground was nice with a brick one holer. Lots of birds and other little animals to watch, plus some nice antelope on the side of the road. I had to explain to one of the members what a funny looking bird was. It was a “mugwump”, you know a bird that sits on a fence with its mug on one side and its wump on the other.
The year is turning out to be a rather good one; the rallies are fun and relaxing, the company good. I hope to see more of the members at some rallies this year. As brought forward in other parts of this newsletter the schedule for next year needs to be thought about. Please give it some consideration and let us know your feelings.
Again I hope to see you at future rallies, good traveling, and good fun.
What a great place! Thanks to Anita Leipper for finding this site. Three miles from Hwy 395 in a canyon with great lava rock walls, a spring, lots of juniper trees, and plenty of parking space for an SNU rally. The campground was home to a wide variety of birds. There were also plenty of lizards and squirrels. Randy Grossmann spent time studying the awnings on everyones rig. He is planning to install awnings on the roadside of his 2005 Safari. The rest of us – the Jeppsons, Leippers, and Thornburgs spent most of the time relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Jerry Thornburg and Anita Leipper set an example for the rest of us by doing their part to make sure the campground was left cleaner than when we arrived. Jerry did some cleaning of the pit toilet and Anita picked up trash around the campground. Friday, three SOBs came to the campground. It turned out it was several members of a family who have been making an annual week long trek to Ramhorn for close to 40 years. With their arrival, the campground took on the look of a Ford commercial as all nine of the tow vehicles in the campground were Ford vehicles. Interestingly an RV towed by a Dodge drove in later but ended up leaving before they even parked ...hummm. Saturday the only business we discussed was for the SNU to make a donation to the BLM for our stay. Bryan will mail a check to the Eagle Lake office. Saturday our after dinner, campfire discussion turned to serious educational topics. We learned the difference between a pebble, a rock, and a boulder. We found out what kind of bird a mugwamp is. We learned about SNU theorem 127. If you missed this enlightening discussion be sure to ask the SNU President and educational chair, Jerry Thornburg. Other than taxing our brains, we had a great time and I think all of us want to go back to Ramhorn for a future rally. Check out the rally pictures
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Grossmann |
Randy |
Vicki |
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Jeppson |
Roger |
Janet |
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Leipper2 |
Bryan |
Diane |
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2007 |
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Leipper5 |
Anita |
mbr |
2007 |
05 |
rally |
Thornburg |
Jerry |
Dyann |
mbr |
2007 |
05 |
rally |
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