Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Memories -|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit

Rally & Luncheon Reviews - 2004

These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Most were written by Diane Leipper unless otherwise indicated.

April 2004 – Pyramid Lake Rally

The SNU is off to a great start in 2004. We had a very successful rally at Pyramid Lake. The weaterh was perfect and the food fantastic as usual. It was great seeing the sun gleamin off a row of aluminum trailers with the blue water in the background. Pretty impressive from the road! Best of all we had two new members join us. Wes & RoyLaine Warn and Roy & Bonnie Douglas. We even had the owner of a 1955 Airstream stop by for a visit.

While watching the pelicans and enjoying the sunshine, we did a lot of creative brainstorming about the future development of the Unit. Among the topics discussed was the “official” activity list of the SNU. Proposed activities include inspirational napping, and for those who wish a little more physical activity – moving your chair fro the Happy Hour circle to the dinner table. We came up with our own unique parking system – HHPP. We also came up with a politically correct, environmentally sensitive project for future rallies. It has to do with gophers and pink flamingos. To find out what HHPP stands for, learn more about our creative project, and help us expand our list of activities, join us at the SNU rally in Dayton. Participants also discussed some new possibilities for future rally sites. Everyone had a wonderful time and I think we are all looking forward to our next adventure.

May 2004 – Dayton State Park Rally

The Dayton rally was another successful event! The rally provided great opportunities for the bird watchers in the group. There were lots of nice hiking paths along the Carson river and abundant squirrels and rabbits close to the camp to keep an eye on. We also enjoyed a side trip to Ft Churchill to visit the Civil Wary encampment, tour the museum and enjoy a relaxing picnic lunch under the cottonwoods on the banks of the Carson river. After all the hiking and touring there was time for inspirational napping and just sitting around sharing RV adventures and trailer tales. Our pot luck on Saturday met out standards of abundant great food. After dinner we adjourned to the campfire to recuperate. Roy & Bonnie Douglas als set the standard for the official SNU gopher (disguised as a pink flamingo). Now the rest of us will have to follow their example.

June 2004 – Boca Springs Rally

The SNU had a wonderful weekend rally under the pines at Boca Springs on June 25th. We had a great turnout including the Scott family, visitors from a Colorado Unit with their 1874 Tradewind. The weather was perfect, the food fantastic as unusal, and the company great. We spent a lot of time trading stores and ideas on fixing, modifying, and repairing older Airstream trailers. We also shared ideas about future rally sites. Everyone agreeded to check out their favorites, take pictures, and report back to the SNU so we can include them for consideration in the future. In the meantime we all decided to return to Boca Springs next year.

July 2004 – Picnic at Spooner Summit

What a great day! The weather was perfect for a picnic in the pines. The park is a beautiful place to spend the afternoon. Lots of great hiking and biking trails nearby. SNU members had a good time sharing ideas and information and making plans for the Twin Lakes rally in August.

August 2004 – Twin Lakes Rally

Once again, pefect weather and we even had a full moon. A great weekend for a rally at Twin Lakes. The deer were there to great us and on Saturday just about helped themselves to our lunch. The valient efforts of Bonny Douglas kept the deer from actualy making off with our food. Instead they just settled down under the tree right by the table to take a little rest and watch us eat. We had several visitors including some of our newest members. Chuck & Judy Fell from Bridgeport and Rick LaBorde from Lee Vining were able to join us for dinner on Saturday. We also enjoyed a visit from Asa & Ruthi Kelly from Round Mountain, NV and Ruthi’s bother and sister-in-law from Smith Falley. Asa & Ruthi just recently became owners of a vintage Airstream. We all had a great time sharing Airstream tales and taking tours of the Airstream at the rally. We hope that all of our visitors will be able to join us at future rallies.

September 2004 – Picnic at the Leipper’s

Another great year for the Reno Air Races and another great SNU picnic at the Leipper’s. The Damoth’s, Hersey’s and Leipper’s were there as well as Chuck Fell from Bridgeport and Mylan & Eloise Wight from Truckee. Ivan & May, neighbors of the Leipper’s who just sold their Airstream a few months ago were special guests. Ivan at age 94 has decided gardening is more his style now rather than towing a trailer. Mylan & Eloise are also selling their Airstream and moving twoards the bay area to be closer to family. It is always a hard decision to give up Airstream traveling but I know they all have wonderful memories of their many adventures. We all have great memories of our picnic too. Not the least of which was the great food. We even had some samples of Ivan and May’s produce, Pickled beets and onions for our hamburgers for example. The planes flying overhead added some excitement and occasionally we had to take a break in our discussions so we could watch their maneuvers.

October 2004 – Davis Creek Rally

The October rally was a Nevada weather sampler. Friday was beautiful, sunn and warm, Saturday the smoke from nearby forest fires was so think for most of the day we couldn’t see the highway from the campground. Saturday evening the wind came up and a front started through. Sunday was a little chilly and damp. No matter, we all had a great time and we had our pot luck dinners outside even though Saturday we had to hold on to things a little more to keep them from blowing away. Our Unit mascot in his various disguises, was well represented. The Hersey’s brought pink flamingos for everyone as well as a “gopher” to welcome everyone to the rally site. We had some visitors stop by on Saturday – Neil & Yvon Weaver who recently purchased a 60’s era Airstream and are in the process of cleaning and refurbishing it. Bill and Sue Ottman, our other guests, after living on a boat for years are considering purchasing an Airstream. About the only downside to the Davis Creek rally was the lack of birds for Bonnie to observe and log. She did get to see an unusal woodpecker though and that was a treat.

November 2004 – Lahontan Rally

The November Lahontan Rally was a success despite some rather chilly temps. A nice fire and a hot cup of coffee helped warm us up. We had a great pot luck lunch on Saturday with lots of hot soups and beans. We had a short business meeting that included a discussion of the WBCCI media kit, the 2005 SNU rally schedule and rally fees among other items. The Douglas’s told us of their adventures getting to the Region Rally and gave us an overview of events and activities at the rally.

December 2004 – Luncheon at the Hersey’s

Despite unpredictable weather forecasts, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day for a drive to the Hersey’s for the Holiday Luncheon. The Hersey’s put on a fine spread for the SNU members which we all greatly enjoyed. We had a good time just visiting and catching up onhappenings and holiday plans. Thanks to Fred and Ann for hosting this party. It was a great way to start the holiday season.

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