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Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit

Rally & Luncheon Reviews - 2003

These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Most were written by Diane Leipper unless otherwise indicated.

February 2003 – Luncheon at Tamarack Junction

Diane Leipper

The meeting was held at Tamarack Junction in Reno. The focus of this meeting was communications. We discussed the Blue Beret published by WBCCI and its value to our membership. It was discussed that what the Unit should do was focus on its own newsletter and expand this publication to include things that we felt seem to be missing from the Blue Beret. To this end we want to begin including a note from the Unit President, a budget report, and some tips and hints of interest to Airstream RV’rs. The article on Propane Tank Alert in this newsletter is a sample.

March 2003 – Luncheon at Pinon Plaza

Diane Leipper

The March meeting of the Sierra Nevada Unit was held at the Pinon Plaza in Carson City. The meeting was attended by the Hersey’s, the McGill’s, and Leipper’s. Diane stated that the Unit has new members – Jack and Lindi Schroeder. They own a 1965 Bambi II. Bryan Leipper saw them in the parking lot of San’s Club in Reno with their Bambi and went over to talk with them about Airstream’s and our Unit. We welcome the Schroeder’s to the SNU.

Diane also mentioned that the notices that the Hersey’s have been placing in local papers seem to be making an impact. Over the last month we have received two calls from people who saw the notices and called for information. Ann has prepared a budget for 2003. Looks like we are in pretty good shape.

Diane provided an update on the re-location of the June rally. After extensive search by Fred and Diane, we have not been able to locate a campground in the area of Grover Hot Springs with a group area. At this time we are considering Lake Davis off Hwy 70 or Prosser Reservoir off of Hwy 80. If you have any ideas please let us know,

We also discussed Don Damoth’s idea that the Unit newsletter be e-mailed to all those members for whom we have a current address. It was agreed that this was a good idea and that the Unit should continue this method of newsletter distribution. Those members without 3-mail will still receive their newsletter via the postl service. We are also working to obtain the e-mail addresses of the Units neighboring the Sierra Nevada Unit so that we can email them the newsletter. Our next meeting will be Saturday April 26th at our Rally at Pelican Point, Pyramid Lake, We hope to see you all there.

April 2003 – Rally at Pyramid Lake

Don Damoth

The April Meeting was held at the Pyramid Lake Rally on Saturday April 26th. It was a rather cold and blustery day at the lake but we put on winter clothes and braved the weather to have a pleasant gathering on the beach. The meeting was attended by Diane, Bryan and Virginia Leipper, Fred & Ann Hersey, and Don & Mary Lou Damoth, The Leipper’s Airstream provided the tables for the noon meal and a place to retreat to to warm up the tootsies. Everybody contributed a dish and snacks for the meal. Some white pelicans flew by occasionally to add to the atmosphere and a flock of Eared Grebes cavorted in the water along the beach.

June 2003 – Rally at Boca Rest

Diane Leipper

The second SNU rally of the year at Boca Reservoir was a success. The Leipper’s and Fred Hersey, whose wife Ann was home sick, represented the Airstream contingent. The Leipper’s friends, Dave and Gene represented the Amateur Radio contingent. They set up antenna’s on the lake side of the campsite, On Saturday we were delighted to receive visits from Milan and Eloise Wight and Brian and Reyna Borg and their son Kory.

Although temps were about 15 degrees above normal we had a nice pot luck lunch and informal business meeting on Saturday. Fred presented the treasurer’s report. Milan presented an idea for a future Unit caravan. This outline provides a great starting place for a possible caravan a few years down the road when we have increased the number of active members, The outline also provides a lot of good ideas that could be incorporated into other activities. Other business discussed included plans for the rallies scheduled for the rest of the year, ideas picked up from the NorCal unit and review of unit efforts at encouraging member participation.

July 2003 – Lazy 5 Regional Park Picnic

Diane Leipper

The Sierra Nevada Unit met at the Lazy 5 Regional Park on July 24th for a summer picnic. The park is a beautiful spot on the Pyramid highway with lots of green grass and big shade trees, Although few members were present, we had a great time and as always, good food. We discussed plans for the upcoming rally at Twin Lakes, ideas for next years activities, and just relaxed and enjoyed th trees and views of the mountains and clouds.

August 2003 – Twin Lakes rally

Diane Leipper

The third SNU rally at Twin Lakes was a big success! The Crags group area was great and the weather just about perfect. We were delighted to be joined by the O’Dell family who were on their first trailer outing in their “new” 1967 Safari 22ft Airstream. Don Damoth brought firewood so we had a nice campfire built by Ryan O’Dell in the evening. In addition to the campfire, rally participants enjoyed hiking and biking in the area and the O’Dells went boating in the lake. There was also stargazing. The Damoth’s hosted a spaghetti dinner on Friday night and we had pot luck for the remaining lunches and dinners. On Saturday we were visited by Mort Testerman who saw the rally information in the newspaper. He is interested in purchasing an Airstream and wanted to find out more about them.

We had an informal business meeting on Saturday. Among the items discused, it was agreed that we definitely want to plan a rally at Twin Lakes again next year. In general we plan a 2004 rally schedule very similar to this year, We are always opento suggestions and ideas of group camping areas that would ame good rally sites so fee free to pass along any that you are familiar with. Other busniess inluded the need to nominate people for the 2004 board of the SNU. If anyone has an interest is serving on the board you can check out the SNU bylaws on our website. It is also time to renew your membership. Send your dues to the Unit Treasurer, Ann Hersey. A big thank you goes to Fred and Ann Hersey whose diligence in getting information regarding SNU activities in numerous local newspapers has paid off in several contacts and a few potential members. Check out pictures of the Twin Lakes rally on the website.

September 2003 – Luncheon at the Leipper’s

Diane Leipper

Sunshine, great food, great company, and loud planes. What more could you ask for at a September picnic. SNU members gathered in the yard of the Leipper’s on the first day of the Reno Championship Air Races for their monthly meeting. Discussions were put on hold while the Thunderbirds flew directly overhead and while some of the races started by flying down the nearby valley. Our discussions included the upcoming election of officers, tentative rally and event schedule for the coming year, and plans for our October rally.

October 2003 - Rally at Davis Creek

Diane Leipper

A perfect weekend in the pines! The SNU rally at Davis Creek Park couldn’t have been better. Mild Temps, plenty of sun and very little wind. We missed Ryan’s fire building but Don Damoth did a good job as a fill-in. In between our efforts to consume great pot luck meals and enjoy the ambiance we got quite a lot of business accomplished. We elected the SNU officers for 2004. We approved the 2004 rally schedule. We approved the treasuret’s report and discussed funding projects for 2004. We discussed ideas for encouraging more participation in future rallies, We decided on what we felt was a great way to reduce some Unit inventory items. We also reviewed our efforts and activities for 2003, including the email distribution of the newsletters, the rally structure, and membership recruitment and retention ideas. Overall we are pleased with our progress and are looking forward to an even better year in 2004.

December 2003 - Luncheon at the Damoth’s

Diane Leipper

The annual Christmas part meeting at the Damoth’s was a fun time, good company, and great food as usual.

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