These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Most were written by Diane Leipper unless otherwise indicated.
We had a good January meeting at Bodine’s in Carson City. A good lunch menu, good prices, fine food and service to set the tone for the meeting. We’d like to fund a “meal comp” for a member for the next meeting. We laready have one prize so let’s bring in some more, and a few extra dollars.
We had a very nice February lunch meeting at the Pinon Plaza on Valentine’s Day. Steve Burnham gave out chocolate hearts and jelly beans to all. We were seated in the “Corral” and had it all to ourselves. The menu was great, not only inexpensive, but so many choices. We were twelve for this meeting including Elenere Amidon, Keith & Dawn McGill, Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale, Virginia, & Diane Leipper, Fred & Ann Hersey & Gus & Lorraine Hewen. The Hewen’s are Life Members from the Nevada Unit in Las Vegas and might be joining our Unit. Betty Kopfhammer stopped in for a minute but had another meeting to attend. We held our first raffle drawing and Elenere was the lucky winner of a gift basket. Also our first “free lunch” drawing was won by Virginia, Congratulations ladies! Don’t forget, if you have a “white elephant” or anything else that would make a nice prize, bring it for the prize table at the next meeting.
Our March luncheon was held at the Tamarack Junction Casino in Reno on Tuesday March 19th. Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale, Virginia & Diane Leipper, Pete Rinne, Fred & Ann Hersey, Gus & Lorraine Hewen and their son Bruce attended. We had a nice room all to ourselves and the food was good, Virginia Leipper won the drawing for the raffle basket and Dale Leipper won the free lunch at next months meeting. Steve gave us a treasurer’s report and the members should probably decide what to do with some of the money. A free Christmas luncheon? A donation to some charity? Think about it. Hope you all are enjoying the “In The Limelight” column. Some of our members have had some very interesting experiences.
Heavy snow in Reno kept our April meeting down to 8 hearty souls, Elener Amidon, Dale & Marge Grosch, Keith & DawnMcGill, Betty Kopfhammer and Fred & Ann Hersey. Grandma Hatties was a good choice again. We had one of their private rooms and the meeting was lively with lots of laughs. Betty Kopfhammer & the Herseys brought raffle prizes which were won by Elenere and Marge. The free lunch was won by Keith McGill who won’t be able to use it until October because of scheduling. It was good to see the Grosches again. They always add to a meeting. Via Magazine did not publish our May Ft Churchill rally blurb but we’ll do it without them. We’ll try again for the Washoe Lake rally. The Hersey’s still don’t have working plumbing in their Airsteam but they will be at Ft Churchill Saturday PM and will supply dinner for all who turn out – if you let us know ahead of time.
Dateline Ft Churchill, NV, Sat 5/18/02 3pm, Bryan & Diane Leipper having spent Fri night with the spooky spectre of Ft Churchill ruins standing guard over their ‘75 Ambassador in Camp Site #8 are greeting the occupants of a red pickup and camper (...or could it be a mini fire truck?) No it’s Don & Mary Lou Damoth, home at last from their recent wanderings and anxious to share the highlights. They are just in time to witness a cloud of dust moving eastward along the Ft Churchill road, and forecasting the arrival of the now grimy green Legacy Wagon of (let’s take a different road going home) Fred & Ann Hersey. After exchanging salutations all around, unloading a folding table & chairs, and settling into the shade and comfort of the Airstream Awning, the gathering of members of the Sierra NV Unit commenced a somewhat relaxed discussion of membership recruiting and retention. Rumor has it that various and sundry MR & R tools are available, we need to obtain samples to evaluate according to current needs of the Unit. One fortunate suggestion that can be made use of right away,is to distribute to current members, two copies of the monthly newsletter instead of one. The purpose of the extra copy being to pas it along to any prospective member you are fortunate enough to meet. Another suggestions was to include more info regarding future Unit events rather than only next month. (Gee whiz, I shoulda thoughta that.) Evenually, appetites prevailed over discussion. Culinary items were unveiled, and placed in hand spots on the available tables, just in time to pacify the salivations of the brainstorming group. Truly an enjoyable repast. (Mark it down as let’s do it again,,,) After dinner, satisfied that the world’s problems had been properly engaged...if not solved, it was time to adjour until next month and mosey down the road. It was a good skull-session, and an even better feast. See you all next month, pahdnuh.
The meeting at Bower’s Mansion was attended by Don & Mary Lou Damoth, Virginia & Dale Leipper, Diane Leipper and Elenere Amidon. Steve Burnham came for a short visit to collect any dues. We had a very nice lunch. Everyone shared what they brought and nobody starves.
We held a casual discussion on how to enhance participation in unit activities. Some ideas including holding rallies at places where there are activities that would be of interest to families or younger members. Also instead of monthly luncheons hold rallies with trailers quarterly. We all felt that the primary purpose of the unit is outings with RV’s. By holding some rallys close to Reno or Carson those members who no longer have a trailer could still come out for a meeting or other specifically planned event.
We also discussed our concern about finding officers for the coming year and possible re-organization of the unit into a more informal group. It was determined we need to review the international bylaws as well as the unit bylaws and other documents to determine exactly what the requirements are to be an “official” unit and then take a serious look at whether or not we can maintain that status. The preference is that we continue to maintain our status as a unit if at all possible.
Everyone felt that the unit has done a good job at exploring new ways to encourage member participation and that continued efforts in this direction would be beneficial. A suggestion to request a visit from Regional representatives was viewed as a potential way to get another perspective and to determine what other resources might be available to the unit to assist with membership issues.
Under the trees in the middle of Mills Park, on a balmy day with a gentle Breeze, we gathered around a large picnic table to enjoy a modest feast provided by those attending: Don & Mary Lou Damoth, Virginia & Dale Leipper, Diane Leipper, Fred & Ann Hersey, their son Mark & 3 grandkids from Austin, TX and Bill & Jan Heaton, possible new members from Minden. NV. Entertainment was provided by the Mills Park Railroad chugging around the park from time to time.
Unit plans and problems were discussed, including the dearth of warm bodies willing to perform as unit officers vs the plethora of vacancies to be filled. At this time, an amendment to the Unit Bylaws reducing the required number of officers seems to be in order. Copies of the Bylaws were available to those present. Amendment proposals will be discussed at Davis Creek.
Our rally schedule for Washoe Lake Park has been moved to Davis Creek Park, and notices sent to Jackson Center et al. It is on the west side of Washoe Valley just north of Bower’s Mansion. If you attended the Bower’s Mansion meeting, you must have zipped right by it, on the west side of the road. Arriving from either north or south, turn onto old Hwy 395 at the north end of Washoe Valley, as the road swings to the south, look for Davis Creek campground Rd. on your right. Leippers plan to be there by 11:00on Friday Aug 16th. Diane says they will have a very informal “happy hour” Friday & Saturday bout 5pm for anyone to stop by for a visit. The main event will be our potluck and business meeting on Saturday at midday. Come on down!
In the shade of the stately pin trees of Davis Creek Park looking across Washoe Valley to the originally scheduled location for this rally, we were comfortably able to approve of the change of venue. The Leipper family provided the familiar background of Airstream RV’s. Others were prevented from attended by equipment problems and prior engagements. The Leippers were joined by the Hersey’s of the Friday happy hour for fellowship, discussion and snacking. Many of the worlds problems and a few of our own ere cussed and discussed. Saturday at midday, Leippers were joined by Elenere Amidon, Don & Mary Lou Damoth, Fred & Ann Hersey, and Charlene Fanin who came inresponse to one of our news releases in her 1995 Airstream Motorhome and accompanied by her parent’s, The Pot-Luck was luck indeed as culinary delights filled the picnic table and then were decimated by the assembled appetites.
The September meeting was held at the home of Dale & Virginia Leipper on a beautiful summer day. The meeting was made more interesting by the roar of acrobats and air racers from the nearby Reno Air Races. Attendees included Elenere Amidon, Diane & Bryan Leipper, Dale & Virginia Leipper and daughter Janet, Don & Mary Lou Damoth, Fred & Ann Hersey, Dawn & Keith McGill, Milan & Eloise Wight, and Steve & Frank Burnham. The Leipper’s provided barbecued chicken in addition to the pot luck dishes. Overall the food was plentiful and delicious.
The proposed changes to the By-laws were discussed and nominations for Unit officers were reviewed. The election of officers will be held at the October meeting and there will be vote on the proposed changes to the Unit By-laws. A proposed 2003 meeting and rally schedule will also be voted on at the October meeting.
The October meeting was held on the 16th at the Pinon Plaza Highway 50 East, Carson City at 11:30 AM. The proposed changes to the By-laws was discussed and voted on. The proposed changes were approved by unanimous vote. The Unit officers were elected. A plaque was presented to Steve & Frank Burnham in appreciation for their many years of service to the Sierra Nevada Unit and to WBCCI. Since Steve & Frank were not able to be at the meeting,it will be presented to them at a later time.
The Unit had a great meeting at the Liberty Bell in Reno on November 14th. In attendance were Keith & Dawn McGill, Fred & Ann Hersey, Pete Rinne. Diane Leipper, Virginia Leipper, Von Gallion and his guest Yvonne DeRoule. President Fred Hersey called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. The primary business conducted was a vote on whether the Unit should pay for lunch at the December meeting for members whose dues are current. The motion passed. Also there will be a gift exchange at the December Holiday meeting, Other business discussed were plans for auditing the Unit books, development of a preliminary 2003 budget for the Unit, ensuring that the Regional President, Rick Shart was extended an invitation to the installation meeting and ongoing efforts at recruitment and encouragement of member participation
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