Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Memories -|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit

Rally & Luncheon Reviews - 2001

These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Most were written by Diane Leipper unless otherwise indicated.

January 2001 - Luncheon at the Carson Nugget

Steve Burnham

Only 8 people showed up for the January lunch at the Carson Nugget. Since the group was so small we all decided to move into the coffee shop rather than the buffet. Attending were Elenere Amidon, 2 Burnhams, Betty Kopfhammer, 3 Leippers and Pete Rinne. The people who did not come were the topic of conversation, including Diane Leipper who was attending a conference in Amsterdam Holland, having an interesting time, and had sent e-mail messages and pictures.

February 2001 - Luncheon at Sharkey’s in Gardnerville

Steve Burnham

The last activity was the luncheon at Sharkey’s in Gardnerville. 13 members were in attendance. They were Elenere Amidon, Micheal & Donna Faker, Dale & Marge Grosch, Fred & Ann Hersey, Betty Kopfhammer, Bryan, Dale & Virginia Leipper and Len & Virginia Paul. Pete Rinne was not able to make it as he did not feel too well, and Frank & Steve Burnham also had to sit it out due to a sudden flu-type bug that caught hold of them. All now recovered and doing well, The reports we heard were that the place was nice and the food plentiful.

April 2001 – Lunch at the Grosch’s

Steve Burnham

Last month (April) we had a lunch at the Grosch’s and those present were: Elener Amidon, the Burnhams, the Damoth’s, the Grosch’s, the Hersey’s, Betty Kopfhammer, 4 Leipper’s the Paul’s and Glee Willis. A good time was had by all and the food was great.. Marge is always a great hostess.

May 2001 - Luncheon at the Airport Plaza, Reno

Steve Burnham

A few of us had a very nice lunch at Airport Plaza in May after it turned out 1 tent and 1 trailer were ready to go to the rally at Fort Churchill. There were only 5 of us. Pete Rinne was sick and only one Leipper (Bryan) could come due to doctor appointment conflicts and Diane was in Nebraska and the Groschs were packing. The Damoths, the Burnhams, and Bryan Leipper had a very sociable lunch together.

June 2001 - Picnic at Bowers Mansion

Don and MaryLou Damoth

The June Meeting was held at Bowers Mansion on a pretty summer day. The adventurous ten attending included Dale & Virginia Leipper, Diane Leipper, Elenere Amidon, Steve & Frank Burnham, Fred & Ann Hersey, and Don & MaryLou Damoth. As usual the food was plentiful and delicious and the company was grand.

July 2001 – Picnic at Mills Park

Don and MaryLou Damoth

The July meeting was held at Mills Park on a pretty summer day. Attending included Dale & Virginia Leipper, Diane Leipper, Elenere Amidon, Steve & Frank Burnham, Dale & Marge Grosch, and Don and Mary Lou Damoth.

September 2001 Luncheon at Station Grill and Rotisserie

Don and MaryLou Damoth

The September meeting was held at the Station Grill and Rotisserie in Carson City. We discussed business and had a good time. The Leippers, Burnhams, Damoths, Barrons, Wights, Fred Hersey, Elenere Amidon, and Diane Leipper were there. Lots of food and conversation were enjoyed. Because of the large group, individual meal bills were not available, so we had to divvy up the bill ourselves. This caused some concern so we will notify people ahead of time at future meetings.

October 2001 – Luncheon Airport Plaza

Marge & Dale Grosch

Our last Luncheon/Meeting at the Reno Airport Plaza was a success with 12 of us having a good time and meeting with a delicious meal. In attendance were: Elenere Amidon, Frank & Steve Burnham, Don & Mary Lou Damoth, Dale & Marge Grosch, Dale & Virginia Leipper, Bryan & Diane Leipper, and Pete Rinne.

November 2001 – Luncheon at Thurman’s Ranch House

Marge & Dale Grosch

Our last Luncheon/Meeting at the Thurman Ranch House in Carson City was attended by Elenere Amidon, Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale & Marge Grosch, Fred & Ann Hersey, Dale & Virginia Leipper, Diane Leipper, and Betty Kopfhammer and our guests of honor Region 12 President and First Lady, Rick and Margaret Sharp. Rick and Margaret came up from Santa Rosa to install our new officers for 2002. It was a very nice occasion. We had a short meeting.

December 2001 – Luncheon at the Airport Plaza

Fred and Ann Hersey

The December meeting of the Sierra Nevada Unit of WBCCI took place at the Airport Plaza Hotel restaurant in Reno on Thursday December 13th. There were nine members present. Some who had previously made reservations were ill and unable to attend. Hope you all are feeling better now. The weather was great and the food and company good. “Santa” handed out presents to all the good boys and girls. Those enjoying the festivities were: Elenere Amidon, Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale & Marge Grosch, Fred & Ann Hersey, Virginia & Diane Leipper

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